Promotion and Tenure: Spring 2023

P&T Prepared workshops are designed to offer JSU faculty a collaborative place to learn about and work on promotion and tenure and 3rd year review procedures and portfolios.


This series supports the commitments of JSU’s Strategic Plan including the following strategic goal(s) and objectives:  

  1. Commitment 2, Engage: As a university, we ensure the vibrancy of our campus, community, and region through the benefit of belonging, mutual relationships, and power of place. 

  • Goal 1, Benefit of Belonging: Improve the accessibility of a safe, equitable, diverse campus supportive of all campus and community members 
  • Objective 2: Create environments to encourage campus and community members to connect and learn from each other. 


  1. Commitment 3, Discover: As educators, we do not provide the answers. We provide the experiences, environments, and expectations that allow learners to discover the answers. 

  • Goal 1, Experiences: Provide learning experiences that connect learners with real-world knowledge, skills, and opportunities. 
  • Objective 2: Strategy/Action Item 1: Provide professional development and training opportunities for faculty. 



Series Goals:  

  • To provide faculty with a collaborative space to connect with others from across campus and learn about and work on promotion and tenure portfolios   

  • To provide faculty with an opportunity to view exemplary sample portfolios from various academic colleges   


 Date: Wednesday, March 01, 2023 

Event: P&T Information Session with Deans 

Description: This general information session is open to all faculty applying for promotion and/or tenure, including those applying for Distinguished titles. 

Delivery Mode: In-person event with the option to join via TEAMS 

Location: 208 Self Hall or TEAMS 

Time: 3:00-3:45 


Date: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 

Event: P&T Panel Session with Portfolio Samples 

Description: This Q&A faculty panel session is open to all faculty applying for promotion and/or tenure, including those applying for Distinguished titles. Sample portfolios will be available. 

Delivery Mode: In-person event  

Location: 208 Self Hall  

Time: 3:00-4:00