K-12 Student Quotes
"My favorite part of the field trip was holding the snakes and learning about the water shed!"
Simon Hooper
Fort Payne Middle School
Fort Payne, Alabama
"Have you ever been on what you thought was the most awesome field trip in your whole life? Well, I have and it was the greatest. If I could give an award, it would go to the JSU Field School for Best Curriculum in Alabama!"
Shawna Dempsey
Fort Payne Middle School
Fort Payne, Alabama
"The day just got better with every new activity. We learned about pitcher plants and snakes. We hiked at the Canyon Mouth Park. The field trip taught me many things that I didn't know. It also made learning fun because my friends were with me. I guarantee we'll be talking about this trip for a L-O-N-G time!"
Mary Isbell
Fort Payne Middle School
Fort Payne, Alabama
"For me, it doesn't get any better than what I encountered on the field trip to the JSU Field School. Learning does not just have to take place in the classroom, kids need these opportunities to explore and meet new friends while learning. The staff was so great and friendly. I strongly recommend that more students get this life changing experience by taking field trips to the JSU Field School. I cannot wait to go back!"
Alex Mitchell
Fort Payne Middle School
Fort Payne, Alabama
"I learned so many things and the best part is that I had a BLAST doing so! To all the JSU Field School Staff, I want to commend you and your dedication to what you do. I would recommend the JSU (Canyon Center) and Field School to everyone of all ages."
Karstin Brewis
Fort Payne Middle School
Fort Payne, Alabama