Andrea Bearden
Andrea graduated from Jacksonville State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree with a major in Accounting in December 2011. Since leaving JSU, she has used the techniques and skills she learned to accomplish many goals. During her time at JSU she became a lifetime member of the Beta Gamma Sigma business fraternity. She was offered a position as a financial representative with Modern Woodmen of America shortly before graduation. She obtained her Life, Health, and Annuity Insurance license in July 2011. She then passed all four parts of the FIC exam to receive her Fraternal Insurance Counselor designation. As her fellow colleagues prepared for the CPA exam, she prepared for the securities exam and passed both the Series 6 and series 63 exams. She graduated from the Career School with Modern Woodmen in February 2012. She received her Long Term Care license shortly after completing her first career course. She is a registered member of NEA (National Ethics Association), NAFIC, and NAIFA. She is currently an Activities Coordinator over two MWA adult chapters where she has the ability to donate money, items, and time to her local surrounding communities through matching funds, service projects, awards presentations, and other activities. She was invited to the Financial Advisors Forum and attended in May 2014. She attended the Leadership Fundamental Institute in Chicago in February 2015. She was promoted to Managing Partner with Modern Woodmen in May 2015. She attended the Leadership Development Institute in Chicago in September 2015. Andrea states “I know that this is where I am supposed to be. I love what I do and how I help others grow financially. I also enjoy developing new financial advisors. I enjoy speaking to career prep classes and business organizations in my surrounding communities. The skills and knowledge that I obtained at Jacksonville State University were a significant stepping stone to my success. I will never forget the relationships that I built because of the helpful staff there. Jacksonville State University is a well-rounder university that has provided me with the personal attention that has allowed me to achieve greatness! I will forever be grateful and proud to be a Gamecock!”