Jenna Ridlen, D.O.
Assistant Professor of Biology
128B Martin Hall

Courses Taught
- BY 103 Introductory Biology Lab (Small World Initiative)
- BY 122 Biology of Disease
- BY 263 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
- BY 264 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
- BY 323 Microbiology
- BY/CS 340 Discovering Genomics & Bioinformatics
- BY 327 Directed Studies in Biology
- BY 427 Independent Studies in Biology
- BY 496 Senior Seminar (WI)
- BY 504 Problems in Biology
- BY 570 Seminar in Developmental Biology
- BY 576 Seminar in Physiology
- BY 594 Biology Research Methods
- BY 596 Research I
- BY 598 Research
- BY 599 Thesis
- D.O. from Des Moines University in 2013
- B.S. in Neuroscience from Drake University in 2007
- B.A in Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology from Drake University in 2007
- Writing Minor from Drake University in 2007
Other Responsibilities
- Pre-Health Advising Committee Chair
- Honors Board Member
- Faculty Senate Representative
- Faculty Research Symposium Committee
- AMSA Faculty Advisor
- APVMA Faculty Advisor
- ASDA Faculty Advisor