Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC)


The IACUC is required for institutions of higher education when research involves live vertebrate animals. The research is covered under the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals which is under the provision of the Health Research Extension Act(HREA, 198) (Public Law 99-158). The Office of Sponsored Programs oversees and manages the IACUC committee and send protocols to the committee for review. 

Fillable IACUC Protocol Form

Example IACUC Protocol Form

IACUC Protocol Amendment Form

Example IACUC Protocol Amendment Form 

Application and Review Procedures

All initial applications for IACUC review should complete the Fillable IACUC Protocol Form and send it via email to

Any changes to approved protocols should be requested by completing the IACUC Protocol Ammendment form, and emailing it to

Any questions related to the IACUC, required training, or animal protocol review can be addressed to the committee chair at


Training Information

  • Working with the IACUC and modules relevant to the animal species in use are required