Master of Science in Nursing - Population Health
Concentration in Emergency Management
Description of Program

Experience the distinctiveness of Population Health Nursing and Emergency Management in the 21st century. The Master’s of Science in Nursing (MSN) with a Concentration in Emergency Management degree program is designed to prepare advanced population health nurses to address the health needs of vulnerable populations and communities. Students acquire advanced knowledge and skills in population and community needs assessment, analysis of aggregate data, and health planning, as well as program development, implementation, and evaluation. Students also acquire advanced knowledge and skills in emergency preparedness, planning, and management from the nurse coordinator perspective. Focusing on health promotion and prevention, the program allows students to select a vulnerable population focus for study across the curriculum, such as women and infants, children, teens, adults with chronic illnesses, geriatric clients, clients with ethnic or racial disparities, and infectious disease clients, to name a few. The scope of public health/population health nursing practice and concepts of disaster preparedness and management, systems leadership, and quality and safety are integrated into various courses throughout the curriculum.
100% online courses with required practicum.
Admission Requirements
- Application to JSU Office of Graduate Studies with official transcripts from each institution attended with degrees posted (Students who have previously attended JSU do not need to request a transcript from the university)
- Bachelor's degree with a major in nursing from a regionally accredited university with a professionally accredited nursing program
- Current, unencumbered registered nurse license in the United States
- Application deadlines: July 1 for fall admission, November 1 for spring admission, and April 1 for summer admission. NOTE: Applications will continue to be accepted after the deadline date based upon availability of seats in the program!
*Please contact Tammy Johnson ( if you do not reside in the state of Alabama before applying to the university.
Population Health Nursing and Emergency Management...RIGHT FOR YOU!
- Represents the present and future direction of health care and disaster preparedness
- Develops skill in using the population and community as a client
- Allows you to select a vulnerable population interest area within your specialty
- Enhances direct care skills while preparing broad population and community assessment and intervention skills
- Integrates nursing informatics (using computers to manage nursing/client data and consumer education)
- Prepares you within your selected functional role for population health practice, education, management, consultation, or research.
- Master’s education prepares students to pursue a variety of terminal degrees in nursing, population/public health, and education.
A total of 53 semester hours is required for this program.
Full-time or part-time options are available.
Semester 1 (Fall, August- December)
NU 501 MSN Orientation 0 SH
NU 504 Theories in Nursing 2 SH
NU 518 Organizational and Systems Leadership in Population Health Nursing 3 SH
EM 505 Foundations of Emergency Management 3 SH
Semester 2 (Spring, January- April)
NU 527 Epidemiology 3 SH
NU 544 Statistical Methods in Healthcare 3 SH
EM 555 Disaster Response 3 SH
Semester 3 (Summer, May-August)
NU 522 Nursing Research 3 SH
NU 542 Transcultural Nursing and Healthcare 3 SH
EM 545 Emergency Preparedness 3 SH
Semester 4 (Fall, August- December)
NU 507 Advanced Health Assessment 3 SH
NU 520 Advanced Pharmacology 3 SH
EM 575 Medical Aspects of Emergency Management 3 SH
Semester 5 (Spring, January-April)
NU 513 Advanced Pathophysiology 3 SH
EM *** Elective by advisement; Choose one: EM 570 or EM 576 3 SH
Semester 6 (Summer, May-August)
NU 540 Population Health I 6 SH
Semester 7 (Fall, August - December)
NU 545 Population Health II 6 SH
Graduate Studies
Jacksonville State University
700 Pelham Road North
Jacksonville, AL 36265-1602 (800) 231-5291
(256) 782-5348
Online Graduate Admissions