Center for Economic Development and Business Research

The Center for Economic Development and Business Research (CED/CEDBR) is housed in the Jacksonville State University College of Business and Industry. The CEDBR studies the county, regional and state economy, conducts on-demand economic impact and other analyses of issues pertaining to east Alabama, and applies economic theory to research in its many Economic Update newsletters and Economic Update Annual Report. The CEDBR collaborates with the East Alabama Regional Planning Commission as well as many other state regional councils of government and assists regional economic development organizations and chambers of commerce.
The mission of the Center for Economic Development and Business Research (CEDBR) at Jacksonville State University is to enhance and support the economic development of east Alabama through outreach and research partnerships with business, industry and government.
Examples of services provided include contracted economic impact studies, survey deployment and analysis, human resources consulting (including wage and job description analysis), retail market analysis and focus group research. In addition to the Center’s consultants, the faculty is involved in providing expertise to area businesses and governments. JSU students are provided the opportunity for experiential learning, applying what they learn in the traditional classroom setting to real-world situations.