Timeline - 1909 through 1934


The President had 12 teachers and four staff members. The highest salary offered was $150 a month, and student expenses for a year amounted to about $190.


Dean Claude Rodolphus Wood joins the faculty of the State Normal School in 1920 as a teacher of mathematics and the first director of extension. Extension study classes provide teachers who cannot attend the school during the fall and winter terms the opportunity to attend class at convenient locations so they can complete their degrees. Dean Wood's wife is Ramona Wood, who will serve as the school's librarian for 32 years.


The Legislature appropriates $40,000 for maintenance and $30,000 for the construction of a training school building in Jacksonville. This building, Kilby Hall, eventually becomes the core of Jacksonville Elementary Laboratory School. The center portion of the structure, the modern-day Kitty Stone Elementary School gymnasium, is all that remains of the structure.


Forney Hall, the men's dormitory, is built without state-appropriated money for $75,000. It features 76 rooms and several small apartments with private baths.