Town and Gown
Jacksonville State University

Dr. Steven J. Whitton

Just a few of the highlights of Dr. Steven J. Whitton’s 30 years at Jacksonville State University include:

· conducting workshops at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival's Theatre in the Mind,
· traveling statewide as a scholar advocating the "Read Alabama" program,
· co-authoring the play “The Late Mr. Shakespeare,” and
· writing over 150 book reviews.

And Dr. Whitton did all that while serving as a popular but demanding professor of English.

Dr. Whitton said acting has become a passion. He has performed in nearly 50 productions since 1977, most recently in the JSU production of "Proof."

"It started out 25 years ago when a student asked me if I was going to audition for a JSU drama production. I didn't have any experience, but I auditioned anyway. I was cast and I really enjoyed myself. Performing has ended up helping my teaching as well. Through the years, I taught a number of dramatic literature courses. I have been cast in some of the plays I've taught. That's really helped me with my class work. It gives me a fresh perspective," says Dr. Whitton.

When preparing for an upcoming role, Dr. Whitton becomes a student and does a little research of his own.

"I tend to try to put out of my head any movie or play version that I have seen. I try to research aspects of the character that I know nothing about. Beyond that, I really believe that if the playwright has done his work properly then it will all be there in the words. I rely on how other people react in rehearsal and on clues in the script."

Dr. Whitton also helped establish JSU's annual Holocaust Education project, and he participates in the JSU Writer's Bowl. He served as chair of the JSU Chapter of the Higher Education Partnership Council and now chairs the English Department Honors Composition Literature Committee. He organized the English Department Lecture Series.

Dr. Whitton finds time to help the community by serving on the Board of Visitors of the Calhoun County Community Foundation, and he has been a tutor with the Literacy Volunteers of America.

Dr. Whitton was recognized for his achievements as recipient of the Cleo and Carla Thomas Award for Outstanding Community Education and Service in 2001 and the Anna C. Grace Professorship of English in 1994.

No matter how busy he may be, Dr. Whitton always has time for his students. He donates his time and theater skills to student productions. He recently starred in "How I Learned to Drive" and "Visiting Mr. Green," both directed by JSU students.

"One of the real treats for me is being directed by students because roles change. I am not their professor at that moment; I am one of their actors. In one play "Proof", I worked with three wonderful students and a director, JSU drama faculty’s Susan McCain, who kept pushing me in the right direction. Those are good times to me”

Dr. Whitton says he does not intend to slow down any time soon and is eager for new challenges.

"I have played every type of role in Neil Simon's plays. I'd like to try something like Death of a Salesman just to see if I could do it. Whether it’s theater, competing athletically or excelling academically, just go for it. Have great fun because you can't have that time back. It's amazing what you can find time for when you're enjoying yourself."

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