Kazi Rahman
Associate Professor of Mathematics
143 Ayers Hall
Dr. Rahman is a mathematician who is enthusiastic about application of mathematics and very passionate to deal real problems using mathematical model, theory, logic and computational techniques. He worked as a project coordinator at York university, Canada where he developed an agent-based model for forced migration scenario simulation in conjunction with both the EOS, IOM data-set and social media which help to identify algorithms and patterns of migration and generate knowledge about related decision-making. He also derived a mathematical model of disease transmission dynamics happening at hajj and other mass gatherings. During his Ph.D., he Formulated a biological system of dual species that incorporates a phenomenon of cross-diffusion and analyzed the effects of cross-diffusion with a rigorous numerical treatment. He also presented a criterion for preserving the positivity of the solution of our cross-diffusion model which contains a system of partial differential equations with self diffusion, cross diffusion and reaction terms with necessary proof. Dr. Rahman achieved about USD17,000.00 faculty research grant that are spent in various undergraduate research projects.

Courses Taught
- MS 484: Partial Differential Equations (3 credits)
- MS 390: Numerical Analysis (3 credits)
- MS 352: Linear Algebra (3 credits)
- MS 344: Differential Equations (3 credits)
- MS 302: Applied Probability and Statistics (3 credits)
- MS 125: Calculus I (4 credits)
- MS 113: Precalculus Trigonometry (3 credits)
- MS 112: Precalculus Algebra (3 credits)
- MS 100: Intermediate Algebra (3 credits)
- Ph D in Applied Mathematics, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada
- M.Sc. in Mathematics for Science and Finance, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON, Canada
- M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- B. Sc. in Mathematics, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Academic & Research Interests
- Applied Mathematics
- Mathematical biology, Dynamical Systems
- Application of differential equations (ODEs, PDEs, SDEs) in Life Sciences , Financial Mathematics
- Agent based modeling; Mathematical modeling of biological systems; Cross-diffusion models in spatially interacting populations (modelling, analysis, and simulation)
- Numerical analysis and scientific computing
Other Responsibilities
- Committee Chair, MS352 coordination committee. (April 26, 2023 - Present)
- Committee Member, Graduate course coordination committee. (January 2019 - Present)
- Committee Member, Scholarship selection committee. (January 2019 - Present)
- Committee Member, Undergraduate course coordination committee. (January 2019 - Present)
- Mathematics department representative, JSU Preview Day. (March 14, 2020)
- Mathematics department representative, JSU Preview Day. (September 7, 2019)
- Faculty Mentor, JSU Student Symposium 2023. (2022 - February 2023)
- Conference-Related, JSU Faculty Commons Conference Judge. (2022)
- Committee Member, JSU Fall Fun Fest Committee. (October 2021) Volunteer, JSU Call Night. (2019)
- Project Coordinator (July 2017 – Dec 2018), Building Bridges across Social and Computational Sciences: Using Big Data to
- Inform Humanitarian Policy and Interventions, York University, Toronto, Canada
- Member, Alabama Association of College Teachers of Mathematics (AACTM), Birmingham, AL. (March 5, 2022 - Present).
- Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Infectious Disease Modelling. (2020 - Present).
- Co-sponsor, Phi Eta Sigma. (2020 - Present).
- Member, The Alabama Theta, Chapter of Kappa Mu Epsilon (KME), AL. (2019 - Present).
- Lifetime member, University of Guelph Alumni Association, Guelph, ON. (2015 - Present).
- Lifetime member, Wilfrid Laurier University Alumni Association, Waterloo, ON. (2007 - Present).
- Lifetime member, Bangladesh Mathematical Society. (2001 - Present).
- Lifetime member, Dhaka University Alumni Association, Dhaka. (2001 - Present).
- Member, Worked as a Judge in Research Symposium at JSU, Jacksonville, AL. (November 3, 2022).
- Committee Member, The 2022 ACMSE Southeast Conference, Jacksonville, AL. (April 2021 - April 2022).
- Committee Chair, The 2021 ACMSE Southeast Conference, Jacksonville, AL. (April 2020 - April 2021).
- Committee Member, Southwestern Ontario Graduate Mathematics Conference 2015, Guelph, ON. (2015).
- Member, The Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. (2011 - 2015). Member, The Society of Mathematical Biology. (2011 - 2015).
- Member, American Mathematical Society. (2010 - 2015).
- Proctor, worked as a proctor in different Math and Stat exams, Department of Math and Stat, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON. (2010 - 2014).
- GTA, Conducted teaching evaluation for Math and Stat faculties, Department of Math and stat, University of Guelph. (2010 - 2014).
- Committee Member, First and Second year B.Sc.(Honors) examination committee, University of Dhaka, Dhaka. (2007 - 2010).
- Assistant House Tutor, The A. F. Rahman Hall (students' dorm), University of Dhaka, Dhaka. (2004 - 2005).
- Committee Member, the 14th International Mathematics Conference (2003) organized by Bangladesh Mathematical Society, Dhaka. (2003).
- Program Coordinator, University Sports Club, Stamford University Bangladesh, Dhaka. (2002).
- Lifetime donor, Canadian Blood Services. (2010 - Present).
- Lifetime donor, Badhon, a voluntary Blood donor's organization, Dhaka. (1996 - Present).
- Volunteer, United Way's Day of Action Hosted By The City of Anniston & JSU. (October 2021).
- Board Member, Bangladesh Association of Guelph, Guelph, ON. (2010 - 2018).
- Volunteer, Community Service, Relay Life, Canadian Cancer Society, Guelph, ON. (2011 - 2017)
- GSA Virtual networking event, University of Guelph, Canada, online. (March 30, 2021).
Publications and Presentations
Selected Publications:- Rahman, K. A. (2023). Modelling the spread of HIV/AIDS in India focusing commercial sex worker population. International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, 13(3).
- Rahman, K. A. (2023). The role of transmission by female sex workers in the spread of HIV/AIDS. International Conference on Life Sciences, Engineering and Technology.
- Rahman, K., Gamess, E. (2021). Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Southeast Conference (ACMSE 2021). Virtual Event: ACM Digital Library.
- Rahman, K., Sonner, S., Eberl, H. J. (2016). Derivation of a multi-species cross-diffusion model from a lattice differential equation and positivity of its solutions,. Acta Physica Polonica Series B, 9(1). http://www.actaphys.uj.edu.pl/fulltext?series=Sup&vol=9&page=121
- Rahman, K. A. (2015). Cross-diffusion in Biofilms. PhD Thesis, University of Guelph, Canada
- Rahman, K. A., Eberl, H. J. (2015). A Mixed Culture Biofilm Model with Cross-Diffusion. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 77, 2086-2124. 10.1007/s11538-015-0117-1
- Rahman, K. A., Eberl, H. J. (2014). Numerical treatment of a cross-diffusion model of biofilm exposure to antimicrobials. Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 134-144. http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-642-55224-3
- Nayeem, J., Rahman, K. A., Salek, M. A. (2009). A Mathematical Model to Demonstrate the Spread of an Epidemic. GANIT, Journal of Bangladesh Mathematical Society, 29, 127-138. https://doi.org/10.3329/ganit.v29i0.8522
- Rahman, K. A., Rahman, K. A., Lott, M., Tepe, K. E. (2009). Characterization of the Adverse Effect of Neighborhood Capture in MANET and on the Way to a Remedy, IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology.
- https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5189640
- Rahman, K. A., Rahman, K. A. (2008). MAccess Problems in the MAC Layer of Ad hoc Networks and a Proposed Solution. Journal of Electronics and Computer Science, Jahangirnagar University.
- Rahman, K. A., Nayeem, J., Salek, M. A. (2008). The Stability Analysis of a Mathematical Model in the Presence of a Preventive Vaccine. BRAC University Journal, 005(001), 19-25. http://dspace.bracu.ac.bd/bitstream/handle/10361/419/The%20stability%20analysis%20of%20a%20mathematical%20model%20in%20the%20presence%20of%20a%20preventive%20vaccine.pdf?sequence=1
- Rahman, K. A. (2007). Modelling the spread of HIV/AIDS in India:The role of transmission by commercial sex workers. Masters Thesis, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
- Rahman, K. A. Propagation of Errors in Algebraic Processes. Masters Thesis, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Selected Presentations:
- Rahman, K., Faculty Symposium, "Forced Migration Scenario Simulation Using Agent-based (ABM) Modelling, Long presentation," JSU, JSU. (2023).
- Rahman, K. A. (Author & Presenter), International Conference on Life Sciences, Engineering and Technology (iLSET), "The role of transmission by female sex workers in the spread of HIV/AIDS," The University of New Orleans, Indiana University, Universiteit Leiden The Netherlands, Denver, CO, USA. (April 16, 2023).
- Rahman, K. (Author & Presenter), Alabama Association of College Teachers of Mathematics (AACTM) Conference and the 71st Annual meeting, "Spread of HIV/AIDS in India due to Female Sex Worker: a view from Mathematical Modelling Point," Miles College, Birmingham, AL, USA, Birmingham, AL, USA. (March 5, 2022).
- Rahman, K., Faculty Symposium, "An agent-based modelling (ABM) tool for forced migration scenario simulation, Long presentation," JSU, Meehan Hall 5th floor (postponed due to covid 19). (2020).
- Rahman, K. (Author & Presenter), Sanofi-York IRC Symposium, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada. (November 27, 2018).
- Rahman, K. (Author & Presenter), The Advanced Disaster, Emergency and Rapid-response Simulation (ADERSIM) Monthly Seminar, "Forced Migration Scenario Simulation Using An Agent-based (ABM) Modelling Tool," York University, Toronto, Canada. (October 13, 2018).
- Rahman, K. (Author & Presenter), The Laboratory for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (LIAM) Seminar, "Modelling of meningococcal disease dynamics during mass gathering in the Hajj," York University, Toronto, Canda. (August 14, 2018).
- Rahman, K. (Author), The 17th International Association for the Study of Forced Migration Conference IASFM 17: Whither Refugees? Restrictionism, Crises and Precarity Writ Large, "The Potential of `Big Data' to Improve our Responses to Forced Displacement," University of Macedonia, Greece. (July 24, 2018).
- Rahman, K. (Author & Presenter), VPRI Research Symposium - Digital Doings, "Building Bridges across Social and Computational Sciences: Using Big Data to Inform Humanitarian Policy and Interventions," York University, Toronto, Canada. (February 15, 2018).
- Rahman, K. (Author & Presenter), The Laboratory for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (LIAM) Seminar, "An agent-based modelling (ABM) tool for forced migration scenario simulation," York University, Toronto, Canda. (January 30, 2018).
- Rahman, K. (Author & Presenter), The Laboratory for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (LIAM) Seminar, "Mathematical modelling of cross-diffusion in biofilms," York University, Toronto, Canda. (October 6, 2016).
- Rahman, K., Guelph Biomathematics and Biostatistics (BioM& S) Symposium, University of Guelph, Canada, Canada. (2015).
- Rahman, K. (Author & Presenter), The 2015 AMMCS - CAIMS Congress, Interdiciplinary AMMCS Conference Series, "Effects of Cross-diffusion in Biofilm Model of Competition for a Shared Resource," Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON , Canada. (2015).
- Rahman, K. (Author & Presenter), The 2015 AMMCS - CAIMS Congress, Interdiciplinary AMMCS Conference Series, "New reaction kinetics for models of disinfection of microbial biofilms by antibiotics," Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada. (June 7, 2015).
- Rahman, K. (Other), The 3rd Annual Southwestern Ontario Graduate Mathematics and Statistics Conference, University of Guelph, Canada. (May 19, 2015).
- Rahman, K., Guelph Biomathematics and Biostatistics (BioM& S) Symposium, University of Guelph, Canada. (2014).
- Rahman, K. (Author & Presenter), Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society Annual Meeting, "Numerical Treatment of a Dual Species Model for Spatially Structured Biofilm Populations," Saskatoon, Canada. (June 22, 2014).
- Rahman, K. (Author & Presenter), 13th International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology,, "Mathematical model for spatially structured dual species population with numerical treatment," The Fields Institute, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. (November 4, 2013).
- Rahman, K. (Author), Eberl, H. (Author & Presenter), 10th International Conference on Parallel Processing Applied Mathematics, "Numerical treatment of a cross-diusion model of biolm exposure to antimicrobials," Warsow, Poland. (September 8, 2013).
- Rahman, K. (Author & Presenter), Southwestern Ontario Graduate Mathematics Conference, "Dual species model for spatially structured population," University of Guelph, Canada. (June 4, 2013).
- Rahman, K. (Other), Guelph Biomathematics and Biostatistics (BioM& S) Symposium, University of Guelph, Canada, Canada. (2012).
- Rahman, K. (Author), Eberl, H. (Presenter), The 2012 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society, "Two derivations for a class of non-negativity preserving cross-diffusion models," Toronto. (June 24, 2012).
- Rahman, K. (Other), Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science conference (AMMCS-2011), Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada. (2011).
- Rahman, K. (Other), Graduate Student University Teaching Conference, University of Guelph. (2011).
- Rahman, K. (Other), Guelph Biomathematics and Biostatistics (BioM& S) Symposium, University of Guelph, Canada, Canada. (2011).
- Rahman, K. (Other), Symposium on Modelling and Informatics of Disease and Environment (SMIDE), York University, Canada. (2011).
- Rahman, K., Biomathematics and Biostatistics seminar, "Modelling the spread of HIV/AIDS in India: the role of transmission by commercial sex workers," University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada. (October 26, 2010).
- Rahman, K. (Other), International Mathematics Conference, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. (2003).