Eric Gamess
Associate Professor of Computer Science
234 Ayers Hall
Eric Gamess got his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Central University of Venezuela, in 2000. In the past, he has worked in important universities in South America and the USA, such as “Universidad del Valle” (Cali, Colombia), the Central University of Venezuela (Caracas Venezuela), and the University of Puerto Rico (Rio Piedras and Mayaguez, Puerto Rico). He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematical, Computing, and Information Sciences at Jacksonville State University (JSU), in Jacksonville, Alabama. He has been in the organization and program committees of several national and international conferences. He is the editor of 27 proceedings of conferences in the field of Computer Science, and has been acting as the director of the Venezuelan Journal of Computing since July 2012. He has published more than 80 papers in international conferences and peer-reviewed journals. His research interest is focused in network performance evaluation, IPv6, cybersecurity, network simulation, vehicular networking, Internet of Things, and parallel processing.

Courses Taught
- CS230: Fundamentals of Computing
- CS231: Computer Programming I
- CS232: Computer Programming II
- CS307: Management of Information Security and Forensics
- CS450: Computer Networking
- CS470: Computer Security
- CS547: Wireless Networking and Security
- CS570: Advanced Computer Security
- 2000: Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Central University of Venezuela, in Caracas, Venezuela
- 1989: M.Sc. in Industrial Computing from the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA), in Toulouse, France
- 1989: Engineering Degree in Automatics, Computer Science, and Electronics from the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA), in Toulouse, France
Other Responsibilities
- Director of the Venezuelan Journal of Computing
- Vice-president of the Venezuelan Society of Computing
- Member of the steering committee of the ACM Southeast Conference
- Leader of the Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education (CAE-CD) at JSU
- Coordinator of the Master of Science in Computer Systems and Software Design (CSSD) at JSU