Electronic Resources and Databases

Our resources are arranged by:
If you are not sure which database to choose to begin your search, go to our Electronic Resources and Databases by Subject page. You may also want to check out some of our electronic books by searching JAXCAT.
Use these resources to locate journals, magazines, and newspaper articles; e-books; government publications, and more.
(Note: You must be an authorized JSU user (faculty, staff, or student) to gain access.)
NOTE: Due to license agreements, some journals and/or specific issues may not be available in full-text even though our notations indicate that the database is full text.
Frequently Used Resources
Academic Search Premier | New York Times (Direct - New Users) Individuals MUST setup individual accounts |
America: History and Life | New York Times (Direct - Returning Users) Individuals who already have their individual accounts |
Anniston Star | New York Times (1851-2010) |
Chronicle of Higher Education | Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center |
CINAHL Complete | JSTOR |
EBSCOhost Databases | ProQuest Databases |
EBSCO eBook Collection | PsycINFO 1887-Current |
FirstSearch WorldCat | ScienceDirect |
Films On Demand | Wall Street Journal (via ProQuest) |
Gale Databases | WorldCat |
Historical Abstracts with Full Text |