Graduate Assistantship New Employee Hiring Process

This process should be used for new hires, vacant and new positions.

Rehires do not have to apply each semester. If rehiring a student, skip to step 5.


Step 1 – Budget & Position Approval

  • It is the responsibility of the hiring department to verify available funding and position allocations prior to beginning the hiring process for all graduate assistantships.


Step 2 – Create Position Requisition


Step 3 – Interview

  • Hiring units will perform in-house review and selection of applicants for interview.
  • Student employee qualifications vary witheach position.


Step 4 – Select for Hire & Issue Offer Card


Step 5 – Initiate Official Contract


Step 6 – Schedule Training and Orientation

  • Once processed through HR, students will be assigned FERPA training. This is required prior to receiving access to Navigate or Canvas courses.


Step 7 – Confirm Student Work Schedule

  • Supervisors are responsible for communicating work expectations and schedules to GA employees.