Dr. Kyoko Johns

CEPS Complex 606B
(256) 782-5105

Dr. Johns received her bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education from JSU and Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Alabama.  She currently serves as Professor in College of Education and Professional Studies at JSU. Prior to coming back to JSU in 2010, she taught 11 years in elementary schools in Cherokee and Etowah County. She currently teaches elementary mathematics methods at the credential level and supervises teacher candidates. Her areas of interest include examining students’ thinking processes when solving mathematical problems, investigating social and cultural effects on mathematics education, and exploring student identity and diversity in the classroom. Dr. Johns remembers how JSU provided a welcoming environment for her when she first came to campus as a student and strives to provide that same welcoming learning environment for the current and future JSU students.

Kyoko Johns

Courses Taught

Graduate and undergraduate education courses in Early Childhood and Elementary Education programs