The JSU Political Science program offers a variety of interests for students. A wide range of courses are available for those preparing for careers in law, government, politics, international affairs, business, communications, and many other fields. As a political science major, you will hone the writing, communication, analytical, and evaluation skills that are critical to higher education and professional careers. Your ability to think critically and independently will be enhanced and will improve your skills at understanding and appreciating differing points of view and broaden your knowledge of current affairs. Minors include: Political Science, Public Administration, and International Studies.
Political Science prepares you to either go directly into the job market, or pursue degrees in a variety of fields.
Potential Careers
- Budget Analyst
- City Planner
- Congressional Office Staff Member
- Press Assistant
- Corporate Social Policy Specialist
- Editor
- FBI Agent
- Foundation Program Officer
- Lobbyist
- Political Consultant
- Public Policy Analyst
For more information on a career with a Political Science degree, please visit the American Political Science Association, https://www.apsanet.org/.
Median Annual Salary
Budget Analyst |
$63,123 |
City Planner |
$57,581 |
Press Assistant |
$45,759 |
Corporate Social Policy Specialist |
$55,238 |
Editor |
$55,318 |
FBI Agent |
$66,524 |
Foundation Program Officer |
$69,498 |
Lobbyist |
$77,023 |
Political Consultant |
$72,617 |
Public Policy Analyst |
$64,872 |
Citation: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/life-physical-and-social-science/political-scientists.htm
Additional Facts
- Minor Available
- The Political Science Program has a Pre-Law Program, and opportunities for students to participate in the Model UN and Model Arab Leagues, there is also opportunities for students to pursue research, conferences, and publications, along with guidance for internships opportunities.