Family and Consumer Sciences Education (Bachelor of Science in Education)

A female teacher demonstrates for her FCS students how to properly prepare an attractive dish in a culinary class.

The Family and Consumer Sciences Education Concentration prepares future FCS educators to lead quality Career Technical Education programs. The program provides students with the knowledge and skills to teach in FCS curriculum in a secondary education setting (certification grades 6-12) while preparing them to successfully manage their program and advise their Career Tech Student Organization (FCCLA). During the program students will sharpen their professional skills, build professional networks, and develop leadership skills. The program gives students an opportunity to work with CTE professionals on the local, state, and national level. Undergraduate Program – (Class B Certification, 121 program hours) students will complete 250 hours of practicum experiences prior to their internship semester.

Potential Careers

  • FCS Teacher -Secondary Grades 6-12
  • FCS University Faculty
  • Child Nutrition Program Director
  • Cooperative Extension Agent
  • Entrepreneur

Annual Salaries

Entry Level Teacher* $43,358
FCS University Faculty** $50k-100k
Child Nutrition Program Director** $37,519-$105,013
Cooperative Extension Agent** $50,484-$70,700
Entrepreneur** $44,190-$560,000

*Source: Alabama State Teacher Salary Matrix,
** Source:

Additional Facts

  • Minor Available
  • One of only three FCS Programs in Alabama
  • Only Post-Secondary FCCLA Chapter in Alabama
  • Praxis Pass Rate 100%
  • edTPA Pass Rate 100%
  • Program Employment Rate 100%
  • Courses offered to certify as Co-Op Coordinator
  • Courses offered for alternative CTE certifications based on work experience