M.S. in Applied Behavior Analysis

Female teacher and group student teenagers in the classroom

Our master's program prepares students to become Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs), a profession currently in high demand across settings such as schools and clinics specializing in ABA therapy. Students gain hands-on experience in our research facilities and through local practicum sites that offer ABA services. Additionally, many practicum sites hire our students and provide BCBA supervision.

Our curriculum includes courses in the conceptual foundations of behavior analysis, experimental analysis of behavior (EAB), and applied behavior analysis (ABA). Our conceptual foundation courses provide a theoretical framework for understanding behavior. EAB courses teach students about basic functional relations between environmental events and behavior. ABA courses focus on applying those basic behavioral principles to human populations. 

Small groups of students take classes on campus in a cohort. Five full-time faculty with Ph.D.s in behavioral science teach all courses and mentor students in their required research project.

Students conduct research in our state-of-the-art rat lab and with human participants in our research suite equipped with one-way mirrors. Students are encouraged to present their research at state and national conferences.

Potential Careers

Our degree is designed for students who want to become BCBAs and Licensed Behavior Analysts. Although most of our students work with individuals diagnosed with autism and intellectual/developmental disabilities, our program also introduces students to a variety of other subspecialties within behavior analysis. To explore examples of different subspecialties, visit https://www.bacb.com/about-behavior-analysis/.

Median Annual Salary

Board Certified Behavior Analyst
(Range $65,000 - $90,000)


Additional Facts

Our M.S. in ABA program at Jax State is one of only two programs in Alabama to hold Tier 1 accreditation from the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI).

Graduates of our program meet the coursework requirements to be eligible for the BCBA examination, with courses including PSY 508, 511, 521, 528, 529, 530, and 538.

The BCBA exam pass rate for our graduates is well above the national average, often as high as 100%.

Graduates seeking jobs in behavior analysis are employed immediately upon graduation and are often offered positions before their last semester.