Physical Education P-12 Alternative Class A (MSE)

Physical Education Teacher with Class

The Alternative Class A Master’s Degree in Physical Education is for students who completed a non-teaching degree or for students who want to change teaching fields. Completion of the Alternative Class A program leads to the Master’s Degree and recommendation for Master’s-Level Alabama Class A professional educator certification. Students will study methods of teaching physical education for k-12, which requires practicum experiences. The culminating semester requires an internship (also known as student teaching). Although the degree leads to initial certification, as it is a Master’s level degree, advanced study of kinesiology content is also required.

Potential Careers

  • Physical Education Teacher

Median Annual Salary

K-12 Teacher in Alabama


Additional Facts

Program of Study
  • ED 501 Introduction to Graduate Teacher Education (3 hrs)
  • HPE 500 Foundations of Health and Physical Education (3 hrs)
  • HPE 510 Health and Physical Education Curriculum (3 hrs)
  • HPE 512 Physical Education Methods I (3 hrs)
  • HPE 513 Physical Education Methods II (3 hrs)
  • HPE 515 Assessment in Health and Physical Education (3 hrs)
  • HPE 520 Best Practices in PE (3 hrs)
  • HPE 535 Skill Analysis (3 hrs)
  • HPE 540 Law and Ethics in Wellness and Sports Studies (3 hrs)
  • HPE 578 Research in Wellness and Sports Studies (3 hrs)
  • HPE 580 Adapted Physical Education 3 hrs)
  • ED 595 Internship in Education (3 hrs)
  • ED 596 Reflective Practices in Education (3 hrs)
  • SPE 500 Survey Course in Special Education (3 hrs)