Bill Schmidt

Professor of Finance
264 Merrill Hall

Bachelor's Degree - South Dakota State University Master's Degree - Minnesota State University, Mankato Doctorate - Louisiana Tech University  I've been at JSU since 2002.  Research Interests: Financial Markets, Financial Market Data Sources, Financial Economics  Committee Service:  Tenure and Promotion Committee, Judicial Appeals Committee, Library Committee, Curriculum Committee, Assessment Committee, Undergraduate Assurance of Learning Committee, Graduate Assurance of Learning Committee    

Bill Schmidt

Courses Taught

  • EC222 - Principles of Macroeconomics
  • EC 303 -Money and Banking
  • FIN 301 - Business Finance
  • FIN 311 - Personal Financial Planning
  • FIN 481 - Seminar in Finance
  • FIN 397 - Financial Institutions and Markets
  • FIN 515 - Managerial Finance

Other Responsibilities

Board member and Vice President for Administration with the Southern Finance Association since 2003.