Tuition & Fees

Tuition RatesUniversity FeesCourse Fees by CollegeEstimated Cost of Attendance

Tuition Rates

Summer 2025 Tuition

Undergraduate In-State $333/hour
Undergraduate Out-Of-State $665/hour
Graduate In-State $410/hour
Graduate Out-Of-State $665/hour
Graduate Online $410/hour
Master's in Athletic Training In-State* $422/hour
Master's in Athletic Training Out-Of-State* $665/hour
International In-State (Undergraduate) $333/hour
International Out-Of-State (Undergraduate and Graduate) $665/hour

*Tuition cost for students entering the MAT program for the first time in Summer 2025.

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Undergraduate Tuition for 2024-2025 

Note: All tuition and fees are subject to change

Undergraduate Students 1-11 Credit Hours 12-18 Credit Hours* 19+ Credit Hours
In-State $348/hour $5,220 $5,220 + $348/hour
Out-Of-State $696/hour $10,440 $10,440 + $696/hour
100% Online $348/hour $5,220 $5,220 + $348/hour
International $696/hour $10,440 $10,440 + $696/hour

*JSU’s block rate tuition plan is part of an overall effort to enhance student success and persistence while creating an easier, more affordable path to graduation. Students are incentivized to take 15-18 hours in the fall and spring semesters, getting charged the same rate whether they pursue 12-18 hours. To graduate within four years, undergraduates typically need to take 30 hours per academic year. In addition to saving time and money, research shows that students who take 15 hours per semester have higher academic performance, higher retention rates and increased graduation rates. 

Note: Tuition cost does not include possible program/course fees. Students who were enrolled prior to Fall 2021 may be subject to the per credit hour rate for all registered hours.

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Graduate Tuition for 2024-2025

In-State Graduate Traditional Hours $428 per credit hour
Out-Of-State Graduate Traditional Hours $696 per credit hour
Graduate Online Hours $428 per credit hour

Graduate Degree Specialized Rate-Tuition and Fee Packages

Graduate Degree Total Cost* Program Hours Tuition/Fees Savings
Master of Fine Arts (MFA)  $24,000 60 $400/hour flat rate**
Master of Public Administration (MPA) $15,600 39 $400/hour flat rate** $400/semester
Master of Social Work (MSW) - Advanced Standing $15,600 39 $400/hour flat rate** $2,100
Master of Social Work (MSW) - Two Year Traditional  $24,000 60 $400/hour flat rate** $4,000
Master of Athletic Training (MAT) $26,000 59 $4,333.33/semester for six semesters ** $2,400
Starting Fall 2023
Master of Business Administration
(All concentrations)
$18,000*** 30 $600/hour flat rate $2,940

*The above credit hour rates and degree total costs are subject to change


Existing MBA students enrolled prior to Fall 2023
Master of Business Administration (all concentrations) - $428.00 per credit hour** + General University Fees


  1. Costs do not include possible program/course fees.
  2. Please note that if you must take a semester off, you will no longer be eligible for the one price tuition plan.

** Out-of-State and International Tuition rates may apply.

*** Total Cost does not include any prerequisites required

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Doctoral Tuition for 2024-2025

Program Total Cost Hours Tuition/Fees
Doctor of Science in Emergency Management (DSc)
$30,000 60 $500/hour
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) 
BSN-DNP (to include FNP and AGACNP)
$35,880 69 $520/hour
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) 
Post-Master’s DNP
$18,432 36 $512/hour
Doctor of Education (EdD) in Educational Leadership $30,000 60 $500/hour
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Dual Enrollment Tuition for 2024-2025

In-State  $168 per credit hour
Out-Of-State $336 per credit hour

Visit the Dual Enrollment website for more information

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Military Tuition for 2024-2025

Undergraduate, Graduate, Distance Learning - $250/credit hour

Undergraduate General University Fee
  Standard Rate Military Rate
1-3 Credit Hours 190.00 per hour 148.00 per hour
4-5 Credit Hours 158.00 per hour 123.00  per hour
6+ Credit Hours 900.00 flat rate 700.00 flat rate
Graduate General University Fee
  Standard Rate Military Rate
1-5 Credit Hours 480.00 flat rate 374.00 flat rate
6+ Credit hours 608.00 flat rate 474.00 flat rate

To qualify for the specialized tuition rate, you must be in an active component of the US military (active duty, guard, or reserves) and apply for the specialized rate every semester you want to use it with our Military Student Services office.

This specialized rate may only be used for certain degree programs and cannot be used in conjunction with any other institutional scholarships, aid, discounted tuition rates or tuition assistance.

Visit the Veteran & Military Services website for more information.

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University Fees for 2024-2025

University fees are used to support a variety of services available for students. Individual course fees may be applicable. 

Undergraduate Graduate
1-3 Credit Hours: $115 1-3 Credit Hours: $115
4+ Credit Hours: $225 4+ Credit Hours: $225
No Distance Learning Fee for summer courses

*May not apply to Package Prices

The MAT Program will follow the Summer 2025 - Reduced General University Fee for students entering the MAT program for the first time in Summer 2025

A credit card service fee will be added to any credit/debit card payment made online using MyJSU.  For information on the amount of fee you will be charged and how to avoid paying this fee, please review the Credit Card Convenience Fee page.

General University Fee (per semester Fall/Spring) 1-3 hours -
Standard Rate - $190 per hour
Military Rate - $148 per hour
General University Fee (per semester Fall/Spring) 4-5 hours -
Standard Rate - $158 per hour
Military Rate - $123 per hour
General University Fee (per semester Fall/Spring) 6 or more hours -
Standard Rate - $900 per semester (flat rate)
Military Rate - $700 per semester (flat rate)
Distance Learning Fee (Online/Hybrid) $40 per credit hour

* Excludes certain specialized undergraduate programs.

The following programs have specialized fee packages:


1-5 hours - $300 per semester (flat rate)
6 or more hours - $400 per semester (flat rate)

General University Fee (per semester Fall/Spring) 1-5 hours -
Standard Rate - $480 per semester (flat rate)
Military Rate - $374 per semester (Flat rate)
General University Fee (per semester Fall/Spring) 6 or more hours -
Standard Rate - $608 per semester (flat rate)
Military Rate - $474 per semester (flat rate)
* Excludes certain specialized graduate programs.

International Application Deposit $100.00
International Student Fee (per semester) $150.00
International Diploma Reprint Fee (each) $150.00

University fees are used to support a variety of services available for students. Individual course fees may be applicable. 

View the Course Fees Listed by College

Miscellaneous Fees
Application for Admission Graduate (non-refundable) $35
Application for Admission International (non-refundable) $35
Application for Admission Undergraduate (non-refundable) $35
"Application for Degree Undergraduate/Graduate (per application, non-refundable)" $50
Audit Fee (per credit hour) $25
ID Card Issuance Fee $15
ID Reprint Issuance Fee $30
Late Registration - Fall/Spring (beginning on the first day of class) $100
Re-Registration - Fall/Spring (beginning on 8th day of class) $200
Late Registration - Summer (beginning on the first day of class for each summer term) $100
Re-Registration - Summer (beginning on 3rd day of class for each summer term) $200
Orientation Fee $100
Returned Check Fee  Maximum Allowed by Law
Vehicle Registration $50

AN 326 - Big History of Iron $60
Art courses $10 per credit hour
Biology Lab Fee $60 per course
BY 326 - Big History of Iron $60
Course/Lab Fee for each discipline (Geography, Geology, Physics, Anthropology & Archaeology) $40 per course
Course/Lab Fee (Chemistry) $60 per course
Computer Science Course/Lab Fee $10 per course
EH 115 - Writing Studio I $100
EH 116 - Writing Studio II $100
Film Courses (FLM) $10 per credit hour
GI 326 - Big History of Iron $60
GIS 408, 451, 456, 459, 510, 520 $40 per course
GY 399 – Study Tour $1,300
HY 326 - Big History of Iron $60
Integrated Studies Courses $25/Per credit hour
Music - Applied Music Fee $75 per semester/
Per credit hour
Music - Degree Recital Fee $50 per student
MU 189: Marching Band - Colorguard Techniques $50
MU 389: Marching Band - Colorguard Techniques $50
MU 198: Marching Ballerinas
MU 398: Marching Ballerinas
MU 192: Marching Southerners
MU 392: Marching Southerners

All other MU Courses

$2 per credit hour
Summer Bridge Program Enrollment Fee $100
Theatre courses $10 per credit hour

ALL Business & Industry Majors
Undecided Management Majors

$50 per semester

COM 301:Introduction to Television Production 


COM 316: Podcasting


COM 320: Video Production and Editing 


COM 385: Multimedia Design 


FCS 132: Culinary Science
FCS 323: Experimental Foods
FCS 422: Foodservice Management
FCS 428: International Foods 
$75 per course

FCS 122: Fundamentals of Food Preparation and Meal Management
FCS 122 Online is excluded from this fee
FCS 325: Quantity Food Production

$90 per course
FCS 131: Clothing Construction $50 per course
FCS 215: Introductory Nutrition   $60 per course
FCS 202: Seminar in Family & Consumer Science $151 per course
FCS 326: Food Safety and Sanitation - ServSafe Exam Fee $75 per course
FCS 353: Child Growth and Development Laboratory (excludes FCS 353 Online lab) $25 per course
FCS 420: Medical Nutrition Therapy I  $60 per course
Child Study Center (deposit applied to tuition if child attends) $50 deposit
ECE 306: Practicum in ECE
EED 339: Integrating Theory/Practice
EED 340: Practicum in Content Area Block
$265 per course
ECE 500: Materials and Methods $120 per course
EED 362: Science for Children $10 per course
EED 514: Practicum in Content Block
RDG 521: Practicum in Teaching Reading
$275 per course
ED 302: Introductory Foundations in Teacher Education $176 per course
ED 495: Internship in Education $225 per course
ED 501: Introduction to Graduate Teacher Education

$151 per course

ESE 306: Integrated Instructional Design
ESE 485: Senior Practicum 

$255 per course

IL 566: Internship in Instructional Leadership
IL 576: Internship in Instructional Leadership and Residency
LM 515: Internship in Media Services
ECG 593: Internship in School Counseling
ECG 594: Internship in School Counseling
ECG 595: Clinical Experience I in Mental Health Counseling
ECG 596: Clinical Experience II in Mental Health Counseling

$60 per course

CTE 460: Practicum in CTE/FCS   $195 per course
CTE 362: Principles of Career Technical Education   $205 per course
CTE 506: Practicum in CTE
ESE 534: Secondary Practicum Two
$265 per course
CTE 550: Basic Competencies for Career and Technical Education
ESE 510: Secondary Practicum One
$265 per course
SPE 340: Practicum in Mild Disabilities K-6
SPE 341: Practicum in Mild Disabilities 6-12
SPE 442: Practicum in Severe Disabilities K-12 
$265 per course
SPE 564: Practicum in Mild Methods K-12
SPE 565: Practicum in Severe Methods K-12
SPE 580: Practicum in 6-12 Mild
$335 per course
MU 545:  Evaluation in Music
MU 588: Graduate Internship in Music Education, P-12 
$205 per course
MU 571: Elementary Music Materials and Methods $175 per course
Music - Secondary Education $231 per semester

Professional Nursing Fee (Traditional Undergraduate Students Only) $200 per semester
Respiratory Therapy Program $200 per semester

Kinesiology Program Course Fees

HPE 104-139, HPE 143-146, 150, 152, 155, 156, 162, 165, 170, SMR 271 $5 per course
HPE 142, 153, 154, 157, 160, 161 $10 per course
HPE 140: Alpine Skiing $380 per course
HPE 141: Alpine Skiing II $380 per course
HPE 147: CrossFit Functional Fitness I $100 per course
HPE 148: CrossFit Functional Fitness II $100 per course
HPE 149, 151, 159, 362, 400, 415 $15 per course
HPE 158: Canoe and Rafting $75 per course
HPE 124, 164, 232 $40 per course
HPE 355: Introductory Methods of Elementary HPE  $175 per course
HPE 381: Inclusive Physical Education $30 per course
HPE 409: Methods of Teaching Physical Education, P-5 
HPE 482: Seminar in HPE
$255 per course
HPE 440: Fitness Testing
HPE 441: Design of Wellness Programs
HPE 450: ESW Research Seminar
HPE 465: Practicum in Exercise Science and Wellness
$200 per course
HPE 512: Physical Education Methods I  $300 per course
SMR 275: Outdoor Pursuits Expedition Field Seminar  $220 per course

FI 204: Introduction to Forensic Investigation $120
FI 304: Principles of Digital Forensic Investigation $120
PSY 221: Behavior Analysis Lab $43 per semester
PSY 504: Graduate Behavior Analysis Lab  $22 per semester
SW 449: Field Instruction Placement $75 BSW assessment and program materials
SW 520: Psychopathology and Psychopharmacology $35

UH 101: Honors Lecture
UH 201: Honors Forum
UH 202: Honors Book Club
UH 205: Honors Professional Preparation Seminar
UH 300: Honors Special Topics: Interdisciplinary
UH 398: Honors Study Away
UH 399: Honors Study Abroad
UH 439: University Honors Model Debate Team: Global Issues 

$2 per credit hour
SSC 103: Literacy Analysis I
SSC 104:  Academic Success Skills
SSC 106: Algebra Emporium
SSC 130: Literacy Analysis II 
SSC 301: Academic Performance Management
SSC 302: Academic Performance Management
SSC 303: Academic Performance Management
SSC 306: Advanced Paraprofessional Training
$2 per credit hour

The University reserves the right to change tuition and/or fees, as deemed necessary by the Board of Trustees, without prior notice.

Tuition Protection Insurance

Jacksonville State University has partnered with GradGuard to offer a tuition insurance plan as added protection for students and families. This plan may reimburse your non-refundable tuition costs after an unexpected withdrawal from school for a covered reason. Please visit GradGuard to learn more.

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Estimated Cost of Attendance

The term Cost of Attendance (COA) refers to an estimate of total expenses that a student may incur while attending JSU, which includes direct institutional costs as well as indirect costs. Cost of Attendance is not a bill. For a personalized estimate of cost and aid, you may wish to complete the estimated cost calculator.

Undergraduate (Fall/Spring) 2024-2025

  On-Campus Off-Campus Living with Parent
Based on block rate tuition
$10,440 $10,440 $10,440
Based on average per student of General University Fee and Online Fee
$2,454 $2,454 $2,454
Books & Supplies
Based on average from student survey data
$970 $970 $970
On-Campus: Based on average JSU on-campus housing rate
Off-Campus and with Parent: Based on average from student survey data
$5,476 $8,622 $4,310
On-Campus: Based on JSU meal plan rate
Off-Campus and with Parent: Based on average from student survey data
$4,048 $3,132 $1,566
Transportation $1,630 $3,258 $3,258
Based on average from student survey data
$2,222 $2,222 $2,222
Total $27,240 $31,098 $25,290
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Graduate (Fall/Spring)

  On-Campus Off-Campus
Based on average hours taken by graduate and doctoral students
$5,992 $5,992
Based on average per student of General University Fee and Online Fee
$1,216 $1,216
Books & Supplies
Based on average from student survey data
$970 $970
On-Campus: Based on average JSU on-campus housing rate
Off-Campus and with Parent: Based on average from student survey data
$5,476 $8,622
On-Campus: Based on JSU meal plan rate
Off-Campus and with Parent: Based on average from student survey data
$4,048 $3,152
Transportation $1,630 $3,258
Based on average from student survey data
$2,222 $2,222
Total $21,554 $25,412
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Doctoral (Fall/Spring)

  On-Campus Off-Campus
Based on average hours taken by graduate and doctoral students
$5,130 $5,130
Based on average per student of General University Fee and Online Fee
0 0
Books & Supplies
Based on average from student survey data
$970 $970
On-Campus: Based on average JSU on-campus housing rate
Off-Campus and with Parent: Based on average from student survey data
$5,476 $8,622
On-Campus: Based on JSU meal plan rate
Off-Campus and with Parent: Based on average from student survey data
$4,048 $3,132
Transportation $1,630 $3,258
Based on average from student survey data
$2,222 $2,222
Total $19,476 $23,334

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