- Each brick paver is 4" x 8" and can contain three lines of text, with 16 characters/spaces per line.
- A commemorative keepsake mini brick replica with each purchase.
Jones International House Program Brick Ordering
The International House Program at JSU will celebrate its 75th year of promoting international cultural exchange and understanding in October of this year. The alumni who have participated in this program rate it as a foundational experience in their lives and have gone on to assume leadership positions across the entire world. The shared experience of transcending cultural barriers and the formation of lifelong friendships is a common thread between all participants. After seven decades of existence, the International House Program now has thousands of alumni across the US and the world. This Memorial Brick Pavement Project is a great way for IHP alumni, sponsoring entities, and friends of IHP to have their name be forever etched in a place where formative experience occurred for all those who participated in this unique program. This will be a project for continuous fundraising towards the goal of an endowment that will allow full funding of all students in the International House Program.