Emeriti Nomination Procedures

Full-time faculty, faculty administrators, non-academic administrators, and posthumous nominees who have been in the service of the university for 10 or more years are eligible for emeritus status after retirement.  Faculty seeking an Emeriti appointment must be able to demonstrate continuous, sustained contributions in teaching/professional effectiveness, scholarship, or service/community engagement through the duration of their career at JSU.  Administrators must show evidence of sustained, continuous contribution in service to the university.

Those enjoying emeritus status are entitled to the full honors of their rank; to participate in all formal ceremonies of the university; to share in the social life of the faculty; to continue to use university facilities such as the cafeteria and the library.  They are invited to attend all formal events held by the university.  They may also obtain tickets to concerts, lectures, and sports and recreational events at faculty rates.

In addition to the privileges of all retired faculty as specified in the Faculty Handbook (Section 6.1.2), the following privileges are available to emeritus faculty and administrators.

  1. All emeriti will receive special recognition at one commencement each year, usually in December.
  2. Newly designated emeriti will be recognized as such at the first December graduation after their designation.
  3. All emeriti will be listed in the Undergraduate Catalog and Graduate Catalog.
  4. Emeriti may be provided office space and other support if available, at the discretion of the University.

Compensation is neither earned nor accrued by virtue of this honor, unless, by mutual agreement between the Provost/SVPAA and the individual, the individual is offered a part-time term contract to teach or fulfill other duties.  In such cases, compensation and supplementary benefits, if any, shall be set forth in the contract.

Conferral of this title and associated privileges requires the nomination, review, and approval of all eligible candidates by the University as described below.

  1. A call for emeritus faculty and administrator nominations will be issued each fall semester by the Office of the Vice Provost.
  2. Nominations must be submitted by application. A complete application packet must include an updated Curriculum Vitae reflecting continuous, sustained activity over the nominee’s career, a letter of recommendation by the nominator, and two additional letters of recommendation from people who are familiar with the candidate’s work.
  3. In most cases, nominations should be made during the fall semester following the nominee’s retirement. However, all nominations, including Posthumous, should be made within three years of the nominee’s departure from the university.
  4. All completed and submitted nomination applications will be progressively reviewed and considered through the appropriate approval channels below. A nomination cannot advance to the next level without approval by the current level.

    Faculty and Administrators with Faculty Rank (e.g., deans, department heads, etc.)

    a. Faculty Honors and Grants Committee
    b. Extended Deans’ Council
    c. Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
    d. President

    Non-Academic Administrators (Directors or above)
    a. President’s Cabinet
    b. President
  5. Only new nominations will be considered each year. Nominations will not be held over from one year to the next.
  6. Administrators with faculty rank may be nominated for either faculty or administrator emeritus status but not for both (the nominee should be consulted regarding their preference). An individual can hold only one emeritus award.
  7. Nominees must meet the following eligibility requirements in order to be considered.

    a. Faculty and Administrators with Faculty Rank: A minimum of ten years of full-time continuous, sustained contributions to the University at the time of retirement.
    b. Non-Academic Administrators: A minimum of ten years of full-time meritorious service to the University in a regular administrative appointment, three years of which were served in the same position at the level of Director or above.
    c. Posthumous: Must have been eligible for emeritus status as a faculty member or administrator at time of death.

For inquiries or further details, please contact:

Office of the Vice Provost
203 Angle Hall