Faculty Handbook

The Jacksonville State University faculty handbook is the result of a collaborative effort between members of the Faculty Senate, the faculty at large, and the Academic Affairs leadership team. It is meant to guide faculty through their careers at JSU and help them navigate through many of the complex policies and procedures in place at the university.  This handbook is housed on the Academic Affairs webpage and chapters will be periodically updated by the Faculty Handbook Committee as policies and procedures are revised. Policies that apply to all employees are found in the Policies and Procedures Manual housed under the Finance and Administration webpage. This handbook is not to be construed as a contract of employment or a promise of future or indefinite employment.

The handbook is currently undergoing revisions which began to be discussed in Summer 2024. The chapter format of the handbook is necessary due to it being housed in Power DMS, the new repository for the handbook. Power DMS allows for timely revision of policies and better tracking of policy changes. The chapter links below contain all the information within the archived version of the handbook, with the exception of some minor editorial changes that had to be made before the SACSCOC reaffirmation visit (i.e., schools to colleges; proper titles) and the substantive change of creating the Faculty Handbook Committee. The changes are noted by date via footnotes for each section. While the links below contain the current faculty handbook policies, the archived link may be used to correlate the old numbering/organization system with the new system.

Archival Copy of the June 2023 Handbook