Fall Preview Days - Sept. 21 and Oct. 23

Three JSU Ambassadors on Houston Cole Library observation deck, with a view of the west side of campus behind them.

Are you Jax State Bound?

Don't miss out on Jax State's Fall Preview Day! Choosing the right college is a big decision, and we invite you and your supporters to experience all that Jax State has to offer together. Join us for an exciting day where you'll meet our admissions team and get an overview of the enrollment process, including admissions, scholarships, and housing.

Register for September 21st Preview Day Register for October 23rd Preview Day


Experience the Campus Atmosphere:

  • Enjoy a campus tour, either walking or by bus—your choice—guided by our friendly student ambassadors.
  • Explore open houses tailored to your interests.
  • Connect with current students who can't wait to share their experiences with you.
  • Speak to faculty members who represent 101+ academic programs at a browse session.
  • Immerse yourself in the vibrant campus life, especially during our homecoming celebrations.

Special Highlights:

  • You and your guests will receive complimentary tickets to the Jax State Homecoming Football Game at 2 PM.
  • Be captivated by the spectacular Marching Southerners' show, "JOY."
  • Spanish Information Session available.
  • Discover why we're called the Friendliest Campus in the South!

Campus Tours

Unable to attend a Preview Day or Event but still want to visit our beautiful campus? Take a Campus Tour!