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29 October 2007

VPASA Quarterly Report to Board of Trustees


October 16, 2007



Department of Biology

Colleen R. Mitchell and Dr. Frank A. Romano, III.2007.Sexual dimorphism, population dynamics and some aspects of life history of Echiniscus mauccii (Tardigrada: Heterotardigrada).Journal of Limnology 66(Suppl. 1): 126-131.


Dr. LaJoyce Debro was selected as a National Science Foundation Visiting Scientist in the Cell and Molecular Biology group for 2007-2008.

Department of Criminal Justice


Dr. Wade C. Mackey has joined the department as a visiting professor of Criminal Justice.Dr. Mackey is an expert in social statistics and research design with graduate degrees from Louisiana State University and the University of Virginia.


Mrs. Nancy Mellen has been promoted to a continuing position as an instructor in criminal justice.Mrs. Mellen has been teaching for JSU since 2002, but the status of a temporary, visiting instructor.She earned her masters at Saint Mary�s University in San Antonio, Texas.


Dr. Dean Buttram received his doctorate from the University of Alabama at its summer commencement.As a result of earning the doctorate, Dr. Buttram was promoted to the position of Director of Criminal Justice Internships and Service Learning.


Dr. Buttram was cited in an article, �Forensics to the Fore,� in The Chanticleer on September 20th and commented on the popularity of the JSU criminal justice-forensic investigations curriculum.


The department has initiated new requirements for the undergraduate major, including a senior experience (internship or seminar), and requiring a science minor for those CJ students selecting the forensic investigations concentration.Heretofore it had been �recommended� but not compulsory.


In September Dr. Ron Mellen attended the International Society for Neuronal Regulation in San Diego, where he presented a poster session detailing his current research on correctional applications of cranial electrotherapy stimulations.


Dr. Richard Kania attended the annual meeting of the Southern Criminal Justice Association in Savannah, Georgia in September, presenting on two panels, �Karl Marx on the Death Penalty� and �Author Meets Critics:Ethics, Crime and Criminal Justice, Bruce Arrigo� (Dr. Kania was one of the panel of critics).


Dr. Kania has been named to the board of the Calhoun County Crime Stoppers and appeared on its TV program, �Calhoun County Most Wanted,� on WJXS TV-24 in Jacksonville on September 11th to discuss the threat of terrorism locally.


Dr. Kania also appeared on WJXS TV-24 in July in an interview about his participation in the Summer Workshop on Teaching about Terrorism (SWOTT) at the University of Oklahoma.His participation in the SWOTT program also was featured in an article in an article in The Anniston Star.


WTJP TV-60 �Joy in Our Town� program in Gadsden featured Dr. Kania in two interview programs airing in July, the first about the JSU criminal justice program and the second on conducting scientific investigations of crime scenes.

 Department of Drama

The October issue of American Theatre, a national professional theatre publication of Theatre Communication Group, has Andrew Reeves, JSU Drama Graduate (1990), listed as directing three productions [KING JOHN, ROMEO AND JULIET and A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM] for the Atlanta Shakespeare Company at the Shakespeare Tavern during its nine-play 2007-08 season. Drew has been a resident director there for many years.

 Department of English

Dr. Larry Gray presented:�A Case of Reappearing Nationalism:Sherlock Holmes and the World Wars� at the Ninth Annual Meeting of The Space Between Society, Literature and Culture 1014-1945, Annapolis MD:8-9 June 2007.He also has an article accepted for the following book collection:Jack Burden as Failed Historian:All the King�s Men, Dialogue series, published by Rodopi Press.

The Jacksonville State University Writing Project received a $45,000 grant from the National Writing Project for 2007-2008.The site also received a $5,000 grant from the Rural Sites Network to do a conference, �Reading in the 21st Century,� along with follow-up professional development for area teachers at various Saturday Seminars.The conference was held on July 18, 2007, at McClellan, and was co-sponsored by the Jacksonville State University Regional In-Service Center.The first seminar will be held on Saturday, October 20, from 8:30 until noon.

Dr. Andrea Porter has been invited to speak on a Vietnam Literature Panel and teach a class at Marist College in NY this November.

The English Department will be hosting the following activities:Imagining the Holocaust Writing Competition, (statewide); JSU Writers Bowl October 31, 2007; ON THE BRINK, Southern Writers Conference, February 9, 2008; Southern Playwrights Competition, (national).

Department of History and Foreign Languages

In October, 2007, the Department of History and Foreign Languages will help coordinate the Alabama Historical Association Fall Ramble which will come to Fort McClellan. Dr. Ted Childress, beloved Professor Emeritus of History and former Faculty Marshall, will return to take part in the program.

Dr. Jennifer Gross, Associate Professor of History, will present a paper titled �Widows in Confederate Fiction: �the Lives of the Men Would Be Changed Comparatively Little�� at a Symposium on the 19th Century Press, the Civil War, and Free Expression which will be held in Chattanooga in November.

Dr. Russel Lemmons, Professor of History, will speak as part of a lecture series at the University of West Georgia on �The Great War, Weimar and German Nationalism. He has been selected to present a paper at the European Social Science History Conference that will be held in Lisbon, Portugal.

Dr. Harvey H. Jackson, Professor of History, continues to serve on the editorial board of The Anniston Star and write a weekly column on southern politics and culture.He is also a regular contributor the magazine Longleaf Style. This summer he completed the �Introduction� to the new history of JSU that will be published later in the year.

Dr. Donald Prudlo, Assistant Professor of History, published two articles, �Temporal Chauvinism: Radical Interpretations of Contemporary Society� in The Remnant Review, and �American Catholics and the Spanish Civil War in Faith and Reason. He delivered a lecture on the cult of St. Peter of Verona in the British Isles at the Harlaxton Symposium in Grantham, England on July 25.

Institute for Emergency Preparedness

The Institute for Emergency Preparedness (IEP) continues to grow academically as well as serve the region through contractual emergency planning services and community and scholarly activities.

The MS-Emergency Management program, presently in the fifth academic year of implementation, continues to exceed Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE) viability standards in both enrollment and program completion projections.To-date, there have already been 58 MS Emergency Management graduates, which exceeds our total program completion projection for all five years by over 400%.

Undergraduate and graduate Emergency Management course enrollment numbers/head counts show an overall increase between the fall 2006 and fall 2007 academic sessions/terms.On average, undergraduate emergency management course enrollment/head counts increased approximately 11% between fall 2006 and fall 2007 sessions.Likewise, graduate enrollment/head counts between fall 2006 and fall 2007 show an increase of 15.5%.Introductory-specific undergraduate and graduate emergency management course enrollment numbers show an increase as follows:EM 301 Introduction to Disaster Management increased by 14.6% between fall 2006 and fall 2007, and EM 505 Foundations of Emergency Management increased by 20% between these terms.Most other emergency management course enrollment numbers also show a significant increase in enrollment numbers for the specified time-frame.

IEP Faculty and Staff Contractual Services

During this reporting time-frame, the IEP worked on and completed 4 contracts and has 2 pending/proposed contracts anticipated to begin shortly.

Contracts Completed Totaling $384,547.00


        Medical Coordinator for Alabama CSEPP, ADPH (FY06 and FY07).�� IEP will continue to work with ADPH to provide medical planning and guidance for the six CSEPP counties in Alabama with FY06 and FY07 contracts totaling $364,047.00.

        Clarke County Emergency Management Agency.IEP developed and presented a full scale exercise with this contract totaling $10,500.00

        Cleburne County Emergency Management Agency.IEP developed and presented a tabletop and a full scale exercise with this contract totaling $10,000.00.

Contracts Anticipated to Begin Shortly

        Center for the Study of High Consequence Event Preparedness and Response, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Johns Hopkins University Consortium.IEP will continue to work on this project with the consortium in development of emergency preparedness awareness courses during the second year.JSU�s contract for the first year was $15,420.00.

        Medical Coordinator for Alabama CSEPP, ADPH (FY08).�� IEP will continue to work with ADPH to provide medical planning and guidance for the six CSEPP counties in Alabama with this contract totaling $288,500.00.


Scholarly and Community Activities


Dr. Barry Cox:


Conference exhibition:�72nd Annual Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO) Conference and Exposition.�Baltimore, MD:August 2007.


Conference attendance:�Alabama Governor�s Safety and Health Conference.� Orange Beach, AL:August 2007.


Conference exhibition:�Alabama National Emergency Number Association (NENA) Gulf Coast Conference:Orange Beach, AL:October 2007.


Conference exhibition:�Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO) Canada Conference:Calgary, Alberta:October 2007.


Conference exhibition:�North Carolina Joint Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO)/National Emergency Number Association (NENA) State Conference:Sunset Beach, NC:September 2007.


Conference exhibition:�South Carolina Joint Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO)/National Emergency Number Association (NENA) State Conference:Myrtle Beach, SC:October 2007.

Mathematical, Computing, and Information Sciences Department


The National Science Foundation awarded a $500,000 grant to Jacksonville State University through the NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) program.The grant will support the Enhanced Mathematics, Computer, and Engineering Technology Scholarship II (EMCETS2) project, which is under the direction of Guillermo A. Francia, III, Alicia A. Simmons, James F. Kelley, Terry M. Marbut and Vickie J. Adams.The award, which is effective January 2008 through December 2012, offers scholarships to eligible undergraduate and graduate students majoring in mathematics, computer science, computer information systems, or engineering/technology.This NSF award is one of about 90 new S-STEM awards that will be made by the Division of Undergraduate Education this year, following the evaluation of 249 proposals submitted in February 2007.


The Department of Mathematical, Computing, and Information Sciences (MCIS) is pleased to announce the approval of new undergraduate and graduate program concentrations and a new minor offered beginningfall 2007:



1.      Information Assurance

2.      Game Development

3.      General


1.      Information Assurance

2.      Web Development

3.      General


1.      Applied Information Processing


1.      High Performance and Scientific Computing

2.      Information Security and Assurance

3.      Visualization and Image Processing

4.      Web Technologies and Development

5.      General

These changes are indicative of the desire to update the computer science and computer information systems programs to reflect current market trends, respond to student needs and desires, and to prepare students to enter career fields newly established as a result of changing technology.New courses have been added to support these changes and serve the training needs of our majors as well as majors in the fields of criminal justice, emergency management, management, accounting and information management/E-commerce.


Dr. Monica Trifas and Dorothy Brown (student) presented a paper, �Building an Automated Computer Forensic Visualization System,� at the 2007 International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (RMCI 2007), Orlando, Florida, July 2007.


Dr. Ming Yang presented a paper, �An Efficient Audio-Video Synchronization Methodology,� at the International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2007), Beijing, China, July 2007.


Dr. Jan Case and Dr. David Dempsey presented a paper, �New Opportunities in Secondary Teacher Preparation at JSU,� at the 4th Annual TEAM (Transforming East Alabama Mathematics) Conference, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama, August 2007.


Ms. Rhonda Kilgo and Ms. Audria White presented a paper, �JSU Prepares Teachers for Elementary School,� at the 4th Annual TEAM (Transforming East Alabama Mathematics) Conference, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama, August 2007.


Dr. Ming Yang had two papers accepted for publication at the 9th IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 2007.The titles of the papers were:�An Efficient Packet Loss Recovery Methodology for Video-over-IP� and �A Robust Information Hiding Methodology in Wavelet Domain.�


Dr. Zizhong Chen had a paper, �An Efficient Recovery Scheme for Supercomputing Clusters and Grids,� accepted for publication at the DCABES 2007 International Symposium, Hubei, China, August 2007.


The department welcomed Mr. Mark DaParma as a new computer science instructor beginning fall semester, 2007.


Dr. Guillermo Francia, III has been approved as a certified Advanced Placement Computer Science (APCS) Syllabi Reviewer for the College Board. The certification was awarded by the Educational Policy Improvement Center (EPIC) in August 2007 after Dr. Francia completed an online training course and passed a rigorous process of audit review assessment. The APCS syllabus audit process entails the verification of each of the syllabi submitted by high school teachers worldwide for evidence of meeting the APCS curricular requirements.Prior to this certification, Dr. Francia served as a College Board APCS reader for six consecutive years.


A recruitment trip was made to Handley High School, Roanoke, Alabama, on Friday, September 14, to showcase the programs offered by the department.Participating faculty included Dr. Monica Trifas, Mr. Mark DaParma, and Ms. Rhonda Kilgo.


Dr. Edwin Smith participated in an invitation-only Intuitive Geometry Workshop at Banff International Research Station, Banff, Alberta, Canada, August 2007.


David L. Walters Department of Music


During the reporting period of July, August, September 2007, the David L. Walters Department of Music, its students, faculty and guest performers participated in the following activities:




Spirit of JSU Drum and Bugle Corps successfully completed a nation-wide tour circuit participating in various competitions sponsored by the Drum Corps International (DCI) organization and were ranked 12th in the country in the final competition events held in Pasadena, California.


University Bands successfully sponsored a JSU Band Day on 8 September 2007 for area high school bands.The Southerners performed at halftime in Memphis, Tennessee for the JSU vs. Memphis game.They also performed for the Paulding (GA) County Band Competition, the St. Clair County Band Competition and Mid-South Band Competition.


Faculty of the Department performed at a Gala Faculty Recital to benefit the Music Legacy Scholarship on 28 September 2007 in Mason Hall Performance Center.�� A large number of the faculty performed and donations for this scholarship award was the largest ever.




The Department welcomed three new full-time faculty.These were:


Kelly Crotts, Instructor in Music.Ms. Crotts will teach applied flute, music in General Studies and assist in developing technology resources in music.She holds the B.M. degree from University of Central Florida and the M.M degree from Meadows School of the Arts, Southern Methodist University.She is an active performer and maintains a full schedule with regional symphonies.


Christopher Hosmer, Instructor in Music, joined the faculty teaching applied low brass (tuba and euphonium), technology in music courses, music in General Studies and directing low brass ensembles.He holds the B.M.E. from Jacksonville State University, the M. M. degree from Indiana University and the M.A. degree (in Computer Science) from Jacksonville State University.Mr. Hosmer is a member of the Jacksonville Brass Quintet (composed of JSU faculty members) and has been the organizer and director of Octubafest, a month-long festival of recitals, masterclasses and workshops for low brass music for the past two years.


Eyrn V. Oft, Instructor in Music, joined the faculty teaching applied double reed instruments (oboe and bassoon) and music history. She has performed internationally as a bassoonist and maintains an active schedule as a performer through the nation.She is highly experienced in music technology, especially recording technology, and has wide experience as a clinician and adjudicator.She received the B.M. and M.M. degrees from Indiana University.




Graduates in Music at August 2007 commencement were:

Aurelia Gooden

Kristopher Simino


Recipients of Graduate degrees in Music were:

Samuel Ellis

Ruben Mitchell


Department of Physical & Earth Sciences

A safety inspection of the chemistry laboratories at JSU by Jess Godbey and Brent Helms was recently conducted. According to Dr. Godbey, Dr. Helms and Amy McLaughlin organized and brought the labs beyond acceptable standards.Before the inspection, there was concern about the safety of the labs in McGee Science Center. Storage of chemicals and lack of clutter now provide a safe environment for students to complete chemical lab experiences. Chemical storage and teaching labs meet OSHA standards. An inspection on October 9th starting at 8 am will include JSU officials (George Lord and Lisa Williams), University Police (Terry Schneider), and City of Jacksonville Fire Department.

Department of Political Science and Public Administration

 Dr. Dan Krejci and Dr. Bill Lester have had several entries accepted for publication in the Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution, David Schultz (ed) to be published by CQ Press.


Dr. Lester and Dr. Krejci, et. al. published an article, entitled, �Track Twelve: Diversity and Inequality: Theories and Applications,�PS: Political Science and Politics, Vol. 40, Issue 3, July 2007, 587-588.


Dr. Lester will present a paper at the Southeastern Conference on Public Administration.Dr. Barnett will participate, along with several JSU students, at the Emory University Conference on Religion and Politics.Dr. Krejci and Dr. Lester will attend the NASPAA Accreditation Conference in Seattle in October 2007.


The first Alabama Community Development Institute will be held on the JSU campus on the 11th floor of the Library the first week in October, 2007. Dr. Veasey and Dr. Krejci will be making presentations, along with a number of JSU faculty and President Meehan.

Department of Sociology and Social Work

Dr. Tina Deshotels worked with WISE at JSU to sponsor a Sexual Assault counseling online Training Program for National Organization (RAIN) on July 26, 2007.She reviewed the following manuscript on August 15, 2007: Sage Publications� �Naked Lives: Exposing the Worlds of Exotic Dance� by Mindy S. Bradley.She made the following presentation: �Roots of Rape: Societal Correlations of Rape,� Training Program for Sexual Assault Prevention for Police, Social Workers, and Nurses; Anniston, Alabama on August 9, 2007.


Dr. Mark Fagan served on the following: Advisory Board for the development of Aging and Disability Resource Centers for The East Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission; Alabama Universities� Child Welfare Consortium; and on the Alabama Task Force for Social Work Licensure Exam Scores.He had the following presentation: "An Update on Social Work Licensure Exam Pass Rate," 6th Annual Fall Social Work Conference at the University of Alabama on August 30, 2007; Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

Dr. Clark Hudspeth served as Treasurer for the Alabama-Mississippi Sociological Association at the 2007 mid-year meeting at Mississippi State.


Dr. David LoConto had the following publication: �Pragmatism and grieving: Incorporating Mead and Dewey to Understand the Grieving of People with Mental Retardation,� with Paige R. Arrington; Sociological Spectrum, (Vol. 27, 5, pp. 537-553).


Dr. Maureen Newton made the following presentation: Senior Citizens Self-Reports of Emotional, Social, and Physical Well-Being, �The 32nd Annual National Institute on Social Work and Human Services in Rural Areas (Celebrating the Textures of Rural America:Responding to Individuals and Families Throughout the Life Cycle), July 25-28, 2007, Montgomery, Alabama.


Dr. Jennifer Savage made the following presentation: �Matching or Mismatching for Permanence,� 6th Annual Fall Social Work Conference at the University of Alabama on August 30, 2007; Tuscaloosa, Alabama.She also attended and presented at the 1st Biennial Dissertation Conference for Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi, September 20-21, 2007 and attended the monthly meeting of the Calhoun Organization for United Leadership (C.O.U.L.), at the invitation of Mrs. Maudeen Holloway, Ex.Director, Community Enabler on July 24, 2007. She then completed a grant proposal for Community Enabler, submitted to the Calhoun Community Foundation, August 29, 2007.


Dr. Nancy Francisco Stewart made the following presentations: �Workplace Generational Issues: Assessing Differences, Finding Value, Resolving Conflict,� presented to Engineering Department, Southern Natural Gas Company, Birmingham, AL July 9, 2007 and �Be Extreme Inside and Out: Developing Service Learning Within Nonprofits ,� presented at the statewide conference �To Whom Much Is Given� sponsored by the UA Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility, Alabama Poverty Project, Impact: Alabama, and the UAB Center for Urban Affairs, Tuscaloosa, AL, September 27, 2007.She continued her work on the JSU Wellness Center Initiative as principal investigator for two studies related to the JSU Wellness Center. One involves JSU student perception of wellness education needs and the other is a community stakeholder project. The two are in collaboration with the College of Education and Professional Studies.


Ms. Kim Womack served on the National Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors (BPD), Annual Program Meeting Local Planning Committee as the Health and Wellness-Walk/Run Coordinator.She also served on the Annual Alabama Conference for Social Work, Program Committee for 2008.





 The College of Commerce and Business Administration will be hosting an Alumni Open House on October 20, 2007 in the lobby of Merrill Hall. We are currently in the process of sending invitations to all CCBA graduates.


Dr. William Fielding is currently reviewing maintenance of accreditation reports from Norfolk State University.Dr. Fielding is a member of the review team and will be traveling to Norfolk in October.


Finance, Economics, and Accounting Department


Dr. Ronnie Clayton serves as the Executive Director of the Southern Finance Association.The planning for the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Southern Finance Association continues.The meeting will be held at The Charleston Place Hotel in Charleston, SC in November 2007.Dr. Clayton is involved in all aspects of the planning and implementation of the meeting that brings together approximately 250 finance academicians and professionals to present and discuss their latest research.The program is near completion and promises to be excellent.


Dr. Clayton also serves as the Editor of Financial Decisions, a general interest web-based academic journal.The Summer 2007 issue is complete and a total of six manuscripts were selected for inclusion in the issue and are posted online at six articles were selected from a number of high quality submissions from authors from various universities worldwide.


Dr. Clayton co-authored a paper with Bill Schmidt (JSU) and John Jahera (Auburn University) titled �Estimating Capital Market Parameters: CRSP Versus Yahoo Data� that has been accepted for publication and will appear in a forthcoming edition of Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (AIAPM) .


Dr. Clayton has received an invitation to serve on a six member review team to travel to the country of Jordan to review undergraduate Finance Programs offered in that country.The program is sponsored by the King Hussein Foundation.Dr. Clayton will be traveling to Washington, DC in October for training and will travel to Jordan for two weeks in early 2008 to review the programs.

Dr. Rob Landry and co-author Dr. Amy Yarbrough (University of Florida) have written a paper titled, "Global Lessons from Consumer Bankruptcy and Healthcare Reforms in the United States: A Struggling Social Safety Net", which has been accepted for publication by the Michigan State Journal of International Law. The paper will be published in late 2007 or early 2008.

Dr. Landry presented a paper which he co-authored with Dr. Yarbrough at the Academy of Legal Studies in Business Annual Conference on August 12, 2007. The paper, "An Empirical Examination of the Direct Access Costs to Chapter 7 Consumer Bankruptcy: A Pilot Study in the Northern District of Alabama", was published in the double-blind peer reviewed proceedings and was awarded the Outstanding Proceedings Award, which is given for the single best paper in the proceedings among all fields of law and business.

Dr. Landry co-authored a paper, "Antecedents to Hospital Bankruptcies: A Political and Economic Framework", which was presented by the co-author (Dr. Yarbrough) at the 2007 Academy of Management Annual Conference on August 8, 2007 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Dr. Landry was invited to serve on a panel discussing changes to Chapter 7 bankruptcy law at the Federal Judicial Center's National Bankruptcy Law Conference on August 1, 2007 in Asheville, NC.He also presented a paper, "Dismissal of Chapter 7 Cases for Abuse", at the conference.

The CCBA and Dr. Cynthia McCarty, Director of the Center for Business and Free Enterprise Education and Entrepreneurship, sponsored 13 workshops on Economic Education for area educators.146 teachers from 35 different schools attended.Topics of the workshops ranged from Economics to World History.

In June 2007, Dr. Cynthia McCarty coordinated a unique course that involved a 6-day field trip to New York City with 15 JSU graduate and undergraduate students.The class toured, attended presentations and received materials from the United Nations, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Macy�s, and the New York Stock Exchange.

Dr. Jim McIntyre�s manuscript entitled �A Study of Business Education Research Outlets� has been selected for publication in the Academy of Educational Leadership Journal (AELJ).

Shane Withey, a CCBA accounting major who graduated December 2006, was the highest scorer on the State of Alabama CPA exam that was administered in February 2007.He will be recognized for this accomplishment at the Alabama State Board of Public Accountancy�s banquet on November 5, 2007.Shane Withey is employed as a junior accountant at the MDA Professional Group, a public accounting firm in Albertville, Alabama.

Department of Management and Marketing

Dr. Richard Cobb

Dr. Cobb was co-author on �The AACSB Faculty Qualifications Standard:A Regional University's Metrics for Assessing AQ and PQ" a paper cited for �Best Paper Award� at the ABW�s annual conference in Nashville, TN on May 28th, 2007.

Dr. Carl Gooding

Dr. Gooding received a "Presentation Excellence Award" from Academic Business World for his presentation of the paper "The AACSB Faculty Qualifications Standard:A Regional University's Metrics for Assessing AQ and PQ".The paper was presented at ABW's annual conference in Nashville, TN on May 28, 2007. This paper, co-authored with Professors Richard Cobb, Mgt/Mkt and William Scroggins, FEAC was also cited for a "Best Paper Award".

Dr. James Thomas

Dr. Thomas is co-author on �The Zone of Incivility: An Exploratory Analysis�, a manuscript accepted for publication in 2008 by the International Journal of Organizational Behavior and Theory.

Dr. Joann Williams

Dr. Williams served as an editor of a Special Issue of International Journal of Organizational Behavior and Theory on workplace violence.Her work on this issue was finished at the end of September. The special issue will be published in 2008.

Dr. Williams received for the third straight year BEST REVIEWER AWARD from the Management Education Division of the Academy of Management. She received this reward at the Academy�s annual meetings in August, 2007.

Dr. Williams was the organizer and a presenter of a caucus titled �Measuring Teaching Effectiveness� at the 2008 Academy of Management meetings in Philadelphia, PA., August, 2007.

Dr. Williams� and Dr. James Thomas� manuscript �The Zone of Incivility: An Exploratory Analysis� was accepted for publication by the International Journal of Organizational Behavior and Theory. It will be published in 2008.

Dr. Williams served as a chair of a session titled �Teaching Management: Using Experience and Practice� at the 2008 Academy of Management meetings in Philadelphia, PA, August, 2007.

Center for Economic Development and Business Research (CED)

Small Business Development Center

JSU SBDC Counseling and Training


The JSU SBDC provided counseling to over 145 small businesses, and presented training to 106 individuals during this reporting quarter.


Small Business Administration (SBA) Loan Clinics


During the period, the SBDC conducted four loan clinics for the Small Business Administration (SBA).The clinics were conducted on July 17 in Pell City; July 24 in Oneonta; August 15 In Sylacauga; and September 11 in Oxford.


JSU Economic Update, July/August 2007 Issue


During this reporting quarter, the July/August 2007 Update was published and distributed to more than 7,700 subscribers.This issue may be viewed on the JSU CED web site:


Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Development Plan


A CCBA and CED team completed research and written input to the Development Plan and submitted it to ARC on August 7.


CED was advised by ARC that input was accepted and will become part of the package that will be submitted to the Governor of Alabama for his approval.

Anniston Army Depot (ANAD) Change of Command

Robbie Medders attended the ANAD Change of Command Ceremony on Thursday, August 16.The command was transferred from outgoing commander, COL Alexander B. Raulerson, to incoming commander, COL Sherry Keller.Major General William M. Lenaers, Commanding General, United States Army, TACOM Life Cycle Management Command, gave the opening remarks.COL Keller is the 31st Depot Commander.COL Raulerson�s next assignment is the Army Materiel Command in Fort Belvoir, Virginia, where he will be the Director of Maintenance Management.


Small Business Administration (SBA) Review of JSU SBDC


Raymond Hembree, SBA District Director-Birmingham, conducted a programmatic review of the JSU SBDC on September 5, 2007.Upon review completion, Mr. Hembree stated �The JSU SBDC provides a valuable service to the small business community in Northeast Alabama.�


Alabama Retiree Attraction and Relocation Conference


The conference was held at the Houston Cole Library on Thursday, September 13, 2007.The program included presentations by subject matter experts on retiree attraction and reception of individuals and families relocating to the state of Alabama as an economic development strategy.The luncheon speaker was James Main, the Director of Finance for the State of Alabama.


Notification to JSU SBDC Clients of Thyssen Krupp Business Procedures


JSU SBDC clients were notified of procedures in doing business with Thyssen Krupp Steel and Stainless USA. ThyssenKrupp is building a $3.7 billion world class, state-of-the-art steel and stainless steel processing facility in Mount Vernon (Mobile County), Alabama.  A website dedicated to the project is posted at

 Association of Small Business Development Centers (ASBDC) Annual Conference

Pat Shaddix, Director, and Robbie Medders, Associate Director, attended the annual conference of the ASBDC in Denver, CO, September 16-20, 2007.The keynote speaker was Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.��


Presentation to Marshall County Chamber of Commerce


Penn Wilson, JSU CED made a presentation to 75 members of the Marshall County Chamber of Commerce on September 19 at a breakfast meeting held at the Gunter�s Landing Meeting Center in Guntersville.Information presented included detailed economic indicators on Marshall County, selections from the latest JSU Economic Update applicable to Marshall County, and services available to Marshall County from the JSU SBDC and CED.



Dean�s Office

Dr. Cynthia Harper participated in the State School Superintendents of Alabama Summer Conference July 16-19, 2007 in Point Clear, Alabama.


Dr. Cynthia Harper participated in Board of Examiner�s Training for the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education that was held in Charleston, West Virginia July 21-26, 2007.


Dr. John Hammett participated in the 6th Annual LiveText Collaboration Conference in Chicago, IL, July24-27, 2007.


Department Heads and Directors in The College of Education and Professional Studies participated in the Department Heads/Director Retreat on July 31, 2007.


Dr. Cynthia Harper participated in the Alabama Partnership for Children meeting in Montgomery Alabama on August 2, 2007.


Dr. Cynthia Harper participated in the JSU Administrative and Dean�s Retreat on�� August 8, 2007.


Dr. Cynthia Harper attended the New Faculty Orientation Luncheon on�� August24, 2007.


Faculty and staff in the College of Education and Professional Studies participated in the College�s Fall Faculty Meeting in Ayers Hall on�� August�� 27, 2007.


Dr. Cynthia Harper attended the East Alabama Action Commission Kick-Off Meeting at the Anniston Meeting Center onAugust�� 28, 2007.


Dr. Cynthia Harper made a formal presentation to the Education Committee of the Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce on September 5, 2007, at JSU McClellan.


Dr. Cynthia Harper attended a meeting with the Anniston City School Superintendent on September 6, 2007.


Dr. Cynthia Harper participated in the Mobile County Superintendent�s Search Committee meeting on September 19, 2007.Dr. Cindy Elseberry, Superintendent of Talladega County Board of Education was being interviewed for the Mobile County Superintendent�s position.�����


Dr. Cynthia Harper attended the Alabama Commission on Higher Education meeting in Montgomery September 20, 2007.


Drs. Cynthia Harper, John Hammett, Slenda Haynes, Kory Hill, Larry, Beard, and Tommy Turner participated in NCATE�s�� Continuing Accreditation Conference in Washington, DC, September 26-29, 2007.


Dr. Cynthia Harper served as a grant reviewer for the Alabama Commission on Higher Education October 4-5, 2007 in Montgomery, Alabama.


Drs. Cynthia Harper and John Hammett participated in the Alabama Association of Colleges for Teacher Education October 8-9, 2007 in Montgomery, Alabama.

Department of Child Development Center

Our enrollment has increased since the normal lull during the summer vacation months.We have increased to 91 students and have several children waiting to enroll during the month of October.

Dr. Tom Phillips� FCS 454 class meets in our JSU room every Monday and Wednesday.In addition, Dr. Phillips has 4 students doing their internships here this semester.We also have students from Dr. Paula Napoli�s classes during observation and practicum work, as well as students from Gadsden State fulfilling course requirements.

We have begun working more closely with students from the Nursing School this semester.They will lead 2 CPR classes for us on our staff development day on October 8.Also this semester, students from the community nursing classes will be doing practicum work and will offer education for our workers in emergency first aid and allergic reactions to ant/insect bites.

We are thrilled that we have been able to hire Mrs. Becki Etheridge, a retired early childhood reading specialist, who is trained in the Alabama Reading Initiative.She is also a music teacher and is teaching music classes for our children in addition to early reading and phonics to our 4-year-olds.

We continue to have monthly fire and storm drills in the event that we have an emergency.

Department of Communication

The Department of Communication will host the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (ACEJMC) from February 3-6, 2008. The purpose of the agency�s visit will be to review the department�s programs toward an initial national accreditation. Currently the department is completing its self study in preparation for that visit. Three Team members (two females and one male; two professors and one professional) have been assigned to the team that will be coming to JSU.

The department has hired three adjunct faculty members and two project assistants who joined the department this fall (2007). Search for someone to fill the vacant position of the Ayer�s Chair is continuing.

Dr. Jeffery Hedrick attended a technology workshop in Birmingham in the month of August. That conference dealt with advanced software (Photoshop) utilization.

Dr. Kingsley O. Harbor, head of the Communication Department, attended the Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) national conference in Washington DC in early August. He attended several sessions and participated in an assessment workshop. As a panelist at one of AEJMC sessions, Harbor made a presentation on the �The Challenges and Rewards of Department Chairmanship: A Thirteen-Year Chronicle.� The panel was sponsored by the Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication (ASJMC), which is the administrator�s arm of AEJMC.

The department�s 2007 Summer Journalism Institute was held from Monday, June 11, to Thursday, June 14, 2007.It was well attended and judged by attendees to be quite successful. Student (attendee) survey on the workshop show a highly favorable rating of the entire workshop. This workshop brings high school students from JSU�s service area to campus annually for a four-day intensive training on how to produce newspaper, radio program, TV program, as well as public relations packages.

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Larry Beard attended and presented Ju-Jitsu clinics at the North Carolina Judo Conference on June 21 to 24, 2007, in Matthews, North Carolina.He is the sponsor of the JSU Judo-Jujitsu Club.

Dr. Larry Beard published an article in American Judo ( a journal of the United States Judo Association), Summer 2007, page 6.The title was Why Do We Punish Ourselves So?

Dr. Larry Beard was highlighted in The Capstone Educator, Spring/Summer 2007, page 3.The article was entitled Alumni Publish Book on Assistive Technology.

Mrs. Sandra Sudduth attended a conference as a member of the Regional Medical Center Board on June 27 to July 1, 2007, in Billings, Montana.She represented the Jacksonville City Council to network with other board members.

Dr. Larry Beard (along with colleagues Linda Johnston and Laura Carpenter) made a presentation at the MEGA Conference on July 9, 2007, in Mobile, Alabama.The topic was Assistive Technology: Accessibility for All Students.

Dr. Dale Campbell attended AMSTI training on July 17 and 18, 2007, at Saks Middle School.She will be trained as a presenter in that program.

Dr. Celia Hilber made a presentation at the LiveText Conference on July 25, 2007, in Chicago, Illinois.The topic was Using LiveText in University Courses to Enhance Students� Learning.

Dr. Teresa Gardner and Mrs. Lynetta Owens made an in-service presentation to the Russell County School System in Seale, Alabama, on August 7, 2007.The topic was Collaboration Between Special Education and Regular Education Teachers.

Dr. Larry Beard and Dr. Teresa Gardner attended the state AFCEC Board Meeting at University of Alabama-Birmingham in Birmingham, Alabama, on September 14, 2007.Dr. Beard serves as Treasurer and Dr. Gardner serves as Newsletter Editor.

Department of Educational Resources

Drs. Mary Montgomery & William Kiser participated in the DOE Curriculum Workshop in Alabaster.

Drs. Kathleen Friery & Nancy Fox presented at the Live Text Conference in Chicago, IL.

Dr. Tommy Turner presented at the JSU Pre-Service teacher orientation on the topic of �Bullying�.He also attended the Counseling Association Executive Committee Spring retreat. Dr. Turner serves as the Chair of the Professional Standards Committee.


Dr. Michael Malone attended the National College Board of Trustees meetings.


Dr. Kathleen Friery was honored at the annual Appalachian School for Alcohol & Other Drug Studies (ApSADS) for her years of service to the committee and conference.Dr. Friery served as co-chair until her resignation this year.


Dr. William Kiser attended the School District Accreditation (SACS Quality Assurance Review Team) meeting.


Department of Family and Consumer Sciences


Dr. Debra Goodwin and Ms. Paul Napoli presented research on Preventing Childhood Obesity at the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences annual conference in Reno, NV.The conference was held from June 21 � 23, 2007.


Dr. Debra Goodwin and Ms. Paula Napoli also presented a workshop on Preventing Childhood Obesity at the Pi Lamda Theta Leadership Conference in Richmond, VA on July 27, 2007.


Due to unusually high demand, a fourth section of FCS 322, Normal Nutrition, has been added to the fall schedule.


The application for AAFCS (American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences) Accreditation has been signed by Dr. William Meehan and Dr. Rebecca Turner and mailed on September 12, 2007.We anticipate going through the self study process between Spring 08 and Spring 09.


Dr. Tom Phillips has produced a departmental presentation on DVD to be distributed to the area high schools as a promotional tool.


The faculty search committee for Ms. Karen Nemeth�s replacement has checked references on the best candidates and will set up a phone interviews in the near future. The department was fortunate to find an adjunct instructor, Ms. Kim Townsel, to teach CTE courses this semester.


Family and Consumer Sciences classes this semester have a combined enrollment of 619.


The department held the first faculty meeting of the fall semester on September 5, 2007.The faculty discussed plans for the upcoming school year, including the AAFCS accreditation timeline, and the ADA Program Assessment Report due in November.


The Wellness Wednesday program continues this month, featuring a healthy lunch and motivational speakers once monthly in the cafeteria.Dr. Debra Goodwin continues to serve on the Wellness Committee.


We are continuing to update the Food Lab kitchen.At this point, new range hoods have been installed in all five kitchens and the two oldest ranges have been replaced.


Dr. Debra Goodwin has resubmitted a request for renovation of an existing area downstairs which will increase space for the student lab and create a faculty office.


Dr. Tom Phillips� FCS 454 class, Administration and Supervision in Child Care Programs, is meeting at the Child Development Center at McClellan.


Dr. Tom Phillips� proposal �The Influence of Identity Diffusion on High School Students� Psychosocial Well-Being� has been accepted for presentation at the MidSouth Education Research Association conference to be held in Hot Springs, Arkansas in November.


Dr. Debra Goodwin�s and Ms. Paula Napoli�s proposal �Positive Approaches for the Prevention of Childhood Obesity� has been accepted for presentation at the National Science Teachers Association Meeting in Birmingham, Alabama in November.


Department of Health, Physical Education & Recreation


Dr. Jeff Chandler attended the National Strength & Conditioning Association National Conference in Atlanta, GA July 10-15, 2007.


Dr. Kory Hill attended the NCATE Fall Conference in Arlington, VA September 26-31, 2007.


Dr. Mark Kovacs published a manuscript �Stress and Coping in the Workplace�, in The Psychologist, September 2007.


Ms. Gina Mabrey attended the National Strength & Conditioning Association National Conference in Atlanta, GA July 12-14, 2007.


Dr. Glenn Roswal was keynote speaker at 16th International Symposium on Adapted Physical Activity in Rio Claro, Brazil July 21-29, 2007.


Dr. Glenn Roswal presented a report at the USTA Conference (Adaptive Tennis Committee) in New York, NY on September 4, 2007.


Dr. Roland Thornburg presented at the National LiveText Conference in Chicago, IL July 24-27, 2007.

Department of Instructional Services

Faculty/staff accomplishments: Mr. Mike Zenanko and Mr. Stan Cates purchased and installed hardware, wiring and software for five classrooms in Self Hall. The classrooms all now have an LCD projector, a DVD/VCR combo player, a good sound system, Four rooms have Smart@Sympodiums the other has a Promethean@Interactive whiteboard. One classroom also has a document projector.

Mrs. Dorthy Phillips reports these statistics for the 2006-2007 Academic Year:

The tutoring practicum involved three hundred and fifteen JSU students. Two hundred and eighty six children from the community received four thousand nine hundred and one hours of free tutoring as a result of the student�s service.

 Department of Secondary Education

 Dr. Jan Wilson published �Exploring Mathematical Concepts Through Applications of Technology� in Global Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities to Advance, International Consortium for Research in Science and Mathematics Education, 2007, page 329.


Dr. Carol Uline provided training to 150 Randolph County High School teachers on �Reading in the Content Area�, August 6, 2007.


Dr. Linda Mitchell has joined the Secondary Education department as an assistant professor.She was most recently on the faculty at Augusta State University in Augusta, Georgia.

Drs. Jan Wilson, Jordan Barkley and Linda Mitchell attended the Special Education SIG meeting in Montgomery, Alabama, on September 19, 2007.

Department of the Teacher Service Center

Dr. Gena Riley presented Alabama Math Science and Technology Initiative for the JSU In-service Center.

Dr. Gena Riley presented Alabama Math Science and Technology Initiative for the Troy In-service Center.

Dr. Gena Riley presented Math Education Workshops for the JSU In-service Center.

Dr. Kelly Ryan and Dr. Gena Riley presented at the 6th Annual LiveText Conference.

Department of Technology & Engineering

Mr. Terry Marbut attended a two-day meeting of the Alabama State Department of Education Program of Study Committee for Career Technical Education on September 6th and 7th.

Mrs. Teje Sult was highlighted in the Jacksonville News for her community service as a volunteer with the fire department.

Dr. Jess Godbey attended Lean/Six Sigma training during the Week of September 17th.

The degree in Computer Integrated Manufacturing has been renamed as Manufacturing Systems Technology to increase recognition among industry professionals. The change was presented to ACHE in September.


Department of TV Services

Mr. Gerhard Mathangani completed his Summer I course with Television Services.His time spent with us substituted for an introduction to a Broadcasting course that he was unable to take.Substituting this class will allow for him to graduate on time.While with Television Services, Gerhard completed tutorials for the Final Cut Pro editing system including Final Cut, Motion, Live Type, Soundtrack Pro, and DVD Studio Pro.

Taped the Jacksonville fireworks celebration.This footage will be used for various purposes including the �My JSU� video.

Meet with Mr. Jerry Chandler to evaluate Mr. Bobby Mikel�s internship.He rated excellent.

The Fall Registration Commercial, �My Choice, My Future, My JSU� aired over ABC 33/40, WVTM 13 in Birmingham and over Cable One and TV24 locally beginning in August and running through the 29th.

Produced and broadcast the 7:30 p.m. Summer Graduation Exercises live on TV24 and live over the Internet.The ceremonies were also rebroadcast at later dates and times.DVD copies of the ceremony are being sold through the Campus Bookstore.

Dr. William Meehan, Dr. Rebecca Turner, Dr. Tim King, Ms. Martha Mitchell, and Mr. Andy Green all viewed the new Admissions recruiting video, �My JSU� and gave it rave reviews.This DVD is broken up into 16 separate videos all about JSU ranging from a main video to specifics such as Financial Aid and Housing. �My JSU� has been in production since the Fall of 2006 and was released in Fall 2007.This DVD is being presented by JSU Recruiters to high school students in surrounding states and will be given away to prospective students through the Office of Admissions, the Visitor�s Center, and during Preview Days.

Videotaped Cocky clowning around in front of the green screen.This footage was sent to KeyFrame (A division of Daktronics) to chromakey animated backgrounds for presentation on the Daktronics ProStar video display screen at Paul Snow Stadium during football games.

Videotaped OVC Commissioner Jon Steinbrecher welcoming fans to JSU home football games.These introductions will be presented on the Daktronics ProStar video display screen at Paul Snow Stadium.

Videotaped President Bill Meehan welcoming fans to JSU home football games.We also videotaped Athletic Director Jim Fuller welcoming fans to the games.These introductions will be presented on the Daktronics ProStar video display screen at Paul Snow Stadium.

Mr. Steve Kines is hired as Production Technician.This new position will be responsible for programming content for the Daktronics ProStar Video Display screen at Paul Snow Stadium, producing �Inside Gamecock Athletics� and eventually a new show about JSU that is planned for the Spring, and providing technical assistance to the Communication Department.

Taping for 1947 Gamecock football team reunion package is shot.This package will air on the video display screen at Paul Snow stadium during the Homecoming football game.

Dr. Rebecca Turner and Mr. Tim Garner approve 25 new commercials for airing on CSS and TV24.

The Commercials are as follows:

Commercials Produced for CSS 2007 Football Broadcast

College of Arts and Sciences (2 commercials). 
One features Dr. Steve Whitton and the other features Dr. Jan Case.  Dr. Whitton�sspot is a :30 and Dr. Cases 1:00.

A Financial Aid commercial featuring Dr. William Meehan.  (:30)

The Department of Athletics (2 commercials).  One features Mr. Jim Fuller and the other features Ms. Misty Cassell.  (both :30)

A Marching Southerners commercial featuring Mr. Ken Bodiford.  (:30)

Two �My Choice, My Future, My JSU� commercials. (both :30)

The College of Nursing and Health Sciences. (:30)

Greek Life featuring Mr. Eddie Banks-Crosson.  (:30)

Two JSU history commercials.  (:30, 1:00)

�My Beginning �featuring Office of Admissions student assistantMs. Lacy Sherrell. (1:00)

The College of Commerce and Business Administration. (:30)

�A Presidential Message� (1:00).

Student Life (:30)

Student Services (:30)

The Visitor�s Center featuring tour guideMs. Kaylin Holland. (:30)

Three �This is My JSU� commercials (:30 each)

Distance Education (:30)

Fall 2007 Continuing Education (:30)

Capital Campaign (:30)

Library (1:00)

�Inside Gamecock Athletics,� produced by Television Services is taped. This show will be done weekly during football season.The program features highlights from the football games, comments from Head Coach Jack Crow and interviews with JSU football players.�Inside Gamecock Athletics� can be seen during football season on TV24.The program may also be seen at various dates and times on the Comcast/Charter Sports Southeast (CSS).

Taped starting line up for Saturday�s football game in front of the studio�s green screen.Each player introduced himself.We also taped the volleyball and soccer coach promoting their up coming games.This footage will be used with an animated sports background and lower third that we will create and shown on the video display during the game.

Created commercial reels for CSS broadcast of Saturday�s football games (25 breaks total/14 JSU breaks).

Edited 47 individual player introductions complete with animated backgrounds and lower third ID�s.The player introductions along with the OVC Commissioner greetings, Dr. William Meehan�s greetings, Mr. Jimmy Fuller�s greetings and numerous other promotions will be aired on the video display screen at Paul Snow Stadium during Saturday football games.

Taped the JSU/Alabama State game in Montgomery.Footage from the game will be used for �Inside Gamecock Athletics� and for various recruiting efforts.

JSU commercials (10 � 1 minute breaks) aired during the JSU vs Youngstown State Gamecock Soccer Classic shown on TV24.

*Operated The Daktronics ProStar Video Display screen at Paul Snow Stadium for the first football game and got glowing reviews.TV Services provided most of the content for the display.

Athletics held an appreciation luncheon for TV Services.

TV Services duplicated 200 English Language Institute DVD�s.

TV Services received requests to duplicate 75 Capital Campaign DVD�s.

Set up the Final Cut Pro systems for Communication students including providing access to the systems, creating folders for individual projects and other media management.

Conducted a lighting workshop for Comm. 301 Intro to TV Production.

College of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education

Graduate Studies

The Graduate Office participated in the annual New Faculty Orientation Session.

The Graduate Office conducted two New Graduate Student Orientation Sessions for first time enrolled graduate students.

Continuing Education

As of September 25, 2007, the Office of Continuing Education conducted 387 classes beginning October 1, 2006. Service was provided to 10,888 students and 57,605 contact hours were generated.


On February 16, the Fourth Annual Auctioneer School began and continued for 10 days until graduation on February 25. The student auctioneers in the class conducted an auction for the Jacksonville Christian Outreach Center on February 24 which brought in over $2,400. One of the past graduates of the 2005 school was named �Rookie Bid Caller of the Year� for 2006 by the Alabama Association of Auctioneers.The award was presented at their conference in 2006.


The Principles of Private Investigation course was conducted in February.  Attorneys, paralegals, and the general public were among the interested students.


Mrs. Belinda Blackburn, Director of Continuing Education and Mrs. Annette Stahl, Program Coordinator, attended the annual LERN conference where both Mrs. Blackburn and Mrs. Stahl received training, were tested, and received their designations as Certified Program Planners. This designation is awarded after completion of extensive study and activities related to the continuing education profession are accomplished during the year prior to the conference.


Twelve Human Resource professionals completed the course, �Human Resources Test Preparation Review Course� in preparation for taking the Human Resource Professional Certification exam in May 2007. Students attended from Calhoun, Cleburne, Etowah, Randolph, and Talladega counties.


Jacksonville State University�s Office of Continuing Education has applied and been accepted as an authorized provider and host location for the Wedding Planning Institute.The 40-hour curriculum is available to those interested in becoming a Certified Wedding Planner.


Four workshops have been conducted in partnership with the East Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission:


Ethics and the Public Official and Public Employee was presented by Jim Sumner, Director of the Alabama Ethics Commission and Tracy Roberts, Legal Counsel for the Alabama League of Municipalities.There were 58 attendees.


Workplace Violence:A Survivor�s Experience was presented by Herb Clark, Senior Vice President of Human Resources for North America Bus Lines, Inc. There were 56 in attendance.


Mark Hendrix, Public Health Area Six Coordinator provided information on Pandemic:Implications and Planning to 40 attendees.


Open Meetings: The Public Has a Right to Know was presented by Sonny Brasfield, Assistant Executive Director of the Association of County Commissions and one of the authors of the bill in the Alabama Legislature.Bob Davis, Editor of The Anniston Star, presented the viewpoint of the Alabama Press Association. There were 52 in attendance.


UPACE, the University Partnership for Alabama Continuing Education, continues as a successful partnership with Troy University, Dothan campus, and the University of North Alabama. This collaboration provides certificate programs for the Association of County Administrators, Association of County Engineers, County Revenue Officers Association of Alabama, Alabama Association of 911 Districts and the Alabama Association of Chiefs of Police.This training is provided throughout the State of Alabama.


Currently participating in the program are 226 County Administrators, 123 County Engineers, 137 Revenue Officers, 98 AA 911 District Directors, and 755 Chiefs of Police.Specific information is found below on courses offered in 2007.


Training was provided for the Chiefs of Police as follows:

Seminar for new Chiefs of Police � JSU McClellan (18 attending)

Managing Conflict � JSU McClellan (18)

Ethics and the Police Executive � Montgomery (211)

Effective Public Communications � Florence (42)

Effective Meetings and Presentations � Florence (39)

Internal Communications in a Police Environment � Point Clear (207)

Dealing With Internal and External Environments � JSU McClellan (24)

Developing Financial Resources � JSU McClellan (23)

Understanding Your Leadership Style � Auburn (192)


There are currently 266 chiefs that have completed 40 hours of training, 154 with 80 hours, 49 with 160 hours, and 12 that have achieved 240 hours of training in this Certified Law Enforcement Executive Program.


Training was conducted for County Revenue Officers as follows:

Legal Considerations of Local Revenue � Birmingham (18 attending)

Enforcement of Licenses and Taxes � Birmingham (25)

Local Tax Options � Birmingham (13)


Training was conducted for County Administrators, Engineers, and 911 Directors as follows in Montgomery:

General Management / Supervision I / II � (17 attending)

Disaster Preparedness and Response � (13)

General Accounting and Financial Management I / II (21)

Managing Employee Conflict (27)

Communication and Media Relations (25)

Fundamentals of Emergency Communication I / II (51)


The Office of Continuing Education provided a test prep course June 4 � 7 for 30 high school students scheduled to take the A.C.T. exam.


Continuing Education was responsible for registration and the administration of 32 athletic camps, totaling 3,006 students since September 30, 2006. These students came to campus to participate in camps for soccer, basketball, baseball, football, softball, volleyball, and martial arts.


Registration, housing, facilities, and other administration was provided for 27 client camps, totaling 4,007 students from May 1 through September 15, 2007. Campers were housed in Fitzpatrick, Logan, Patterson, Crow, Dixon, and Curtis dormitories.


The first annual Coping with Aging Seminar was held at JSU McClellan on April 20.Topics included Social Security, Medicare Part D, Medication Management, Alzheimer�s Disease, Stress of the Caregiver, Legal Services for the Elderly, and Elder Abuse.


The Seventh Annual Appalachian School for Alcohol and Other Drug Studies, known as APSADS, was conducted at JSU McClellan June 18-22, 2007 with 457 registrants. The conference provided 23 continuing education hours for licensed professional counselors, addiction counselors, employee assistance counselors, nurses, and social workers. Fourteen classes were conducted during the week:


        Addiction Pharmacy

        Addiction 101

        Gang Awareness

        What�s Really Going on Here?

        Introduction to the Matrix: Intensive Outpatient Treatment

        Working with the Resistant Client

        The Hijacking of the Adolescent Brain

        Ethics and HIV/AIDS for the Professional

        Effective Strategies with Resistant Clients

        The Bully Issue

        Women and Addiction:Gender Specific Issues and Treatment

        Methamphetamine:Implications for the Future


The Eleventh Annual Nursing Update Conference was held July 20, 2007. Jenny Nolen was the keynote speaker.Her focus was on nursing recruitment, retention, recognition of volunteers, and overcoming negativity.There were eight other sessions, with 105 attending:


        The Personal War on Terror: Psychobiological Substrates, Symptoms, and Treatment of PTSD

        Diabetes Medication: What�s Old, What�s New, What Works?

        Do You Hear What I Hear? Patient Advocacy 

        Exercise for Busy Professionals

        Crohn�s and Colitis:A New Outlook on a Chronic Disease

        ZAP to VAP! Preventing Ventilator Associated Pneumonia

        Up the Creek without a Paddle:Preparing for Disaster in Rural Areas

        Life Is Not a Stress Rehearsal

        There were 90 participants.

The Jacksonville State University Basic Supervisory Principles Certificate was presented to 15 DeltaCom graduates at their Anniston location.These graduates completed 36 hours of training on a variety of management topics at the JSU McClellan Continuing Education Center.The program has now been expanded to include the Arab and Huntsville locations.The Basic Supervisory Principles training is now being conducted by JSU at DeltaCom�s Arab location for an additional 34 employees.

Tyco Fire and Building Products brought 164 employees from two locations to JSU McClellan for training on Microsoft Excel, Generational Difference in the Workplace, and the DiSC Personality Profile Analysis.

Wellborn Cabinet has returned for the third year, with 15 more employees currently earning their Certificate in Basic Supervisory Principles.

Keystone Foods has enrolled 36 employees in the Leadership Principles Certificate Program, which will conclude in November

Computer training was also conducted for the Northeast Alabama Regional Medical Center.

Real Estate classes for professional license renewal are offered in partnership with the Calhoun County Board of Realtors.License renewal hours are approved in both live classroom and online formats.

Continuing Education offers programs that lead to retraining, certification and employment.Examples of these programs are the Medical Billing and Coding, EKG Technician, and Pharmacy Technician Certificate programs.


New certificate programs have been offered as follows: Personal Fitness Trainer, Wedding Planner, Fitness Management, Nutrition for Optimal Health, Wellness and Sports, Senior Personal Training for Older Adults, and Women�s Exercise Training and Wellness.

In-Service Center

The In-Service Education Center sponsored 91 in-service sessions for 1,787 participants during the period July 1, 2007 through September 30, 2007.

The In-Service Center sponsored a series of hands-on, interactive math sessions during the summer for elementary school teachers.Dr. Gina Riley presented the sessions that supported the National Council of Teachers of Math Standards.

The In-Service Center sponsored a session for teachers of Calhoun and Cleburne County Schools that taught the nuts and bolts of the Comprehension Toolkit.This session supported the teaching tool, The Comprehension Toolkit, which was awarded to every K-3 teacher by the Alabama Department of Education.


Two sessions were sponsored this summer by the In-Service Education Center which helped prepare teachers interested in application for National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification.The sessions were led by Ms. Melinda Shields.


The In-Service Education Center in conjunction with the JSU Writing Project sponsored a one-day conference on July 18 for current teachers, writing project participants and writing project alumni, entitled, �Reading in the Twenty-First Century.David Booth offered the keynote address.In addition, six concurrent sessions were held for those taking part in the conference.


The In-Service Education Center sponsored the first in a series of sessions entitled, Meeting the Challenge of 2014.Teams from 15 school systems participated in this session which provided them with the information needed to understand and use their data to improve student achievement.Three similar sessions were held to accommodate the 224 participants that registered to attend.Follow-up sessions will be held throughout the 07-08 school year.Presenters were Debbie Webster and Sally York of the Alabama Department of Education.


The In-Service Education Center in conjunction with the Alabama Department of Education began a new program in August, 2007, which will provide training for 15 school systems to sponsor a mentoring program for first year teachers.Each of 15 school systems selected a mentor liaison to attend the training and implement the program in their system.The trainers for the JSU program are Dr. Ronny Carr and Dr. Linda Raughton.Dr. Carr and Dr. Raughton have attended ALSDE training in Birmingham and will continue to train throughout the year to facilitate this program


The In-Service Education Center provided a School Assistance/Improvement session for over 200 participants on September 5, 2007.The sessions offered by the ALSDE focused on continued school improvement technical assistance and support.


On September 26, 2007, the In-Service Education Center sponsored, �Alabama Standards for Instructional Leaders,� for 100 participants.In this trainer-of trainer model, leadership teams from 15 school systems received information regarding Alabama�s Standards for Instructional Leadership, Professional Teaching Standards and the Educator Code of Ethics.


The In-Service Center co-sponsored an Institute Day with the Cherokee County School System.The Center provided trainers on August 7, 2007 for this program.


The In-Service Center sponsored an Institute Day on August 6, 2007 for the Piedmont City School System.Mr. John Perricone provided the address, �Why Am I A Teacher?:Developing a Philosophical Identity.�


Dr. William D. Carr represented the JSU Science in Motion project at the Alabama Science in Motion Advisory Committee Meeting in Montgomery on August 23, 2007.


Dr. William D. Carr and Ms. Vicky Brown participated in the Alabama Science in Motion Project Directors Meeting in Montgomery on September 5, 2007.



Jacksonville State University held its first Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative Summer Institute July 9 � 20, 2007. Approximately five hundred math and science teachers and administrators attended two weeks of training at Saks Middle School and Saks High School.Thirty-five trainers from across the state served as presenters.Dr. Joe Morton was the keynote speaker at the opening session held on July 9, 2007. Dr. Rebecca Turner and Dr. William Carr were among the other speakers during the opening session.Members of the Calhoun County Board of Education attended the opening session as well as many community leaders.


During the 2007-2008 school year, approximately four hundred seventy math kits and two hundred eighty science kits will serve approximately five hundred fifty teachers.The five JSU specialists will support these teachers as AMSTI is implemented school wide at thirty one schools in the 16 school systems located in the JSU service area.The first round ofscience kits will return to the AMSTI site to be restocked the first week of October and the second round will be distributedthe third week in October.Two more rotations will take place in January and in March.


On August 30, 2007, AMSTI lead teachers met at the JSU In-Service Center and attended a lead teacher training based on Leadership 101 and 360 Degree Leadership by John Maxwell.Lead teachers were provided with information and training to help them lead their fellow teachers as they implement AMSTI in their schools.


Student Enrollment

The College of Nursing and Health Sciences (CNHS) continues to experience extraordinary growth.In fall 2001 there were 210 nursing students; in fall 2007 there are 461 students (overall a 120% increase).
The bulk of growth has occurred in the online STEP Program which has increased 16 fold since 2001.The MSN program has increased 207% in the last six years.The following table illustrates the pattern of growth:



















STEP:��� 9

MSN:��� 27






BSN: 189

STEP: 11

MSN:�� 24




Total: 224


BSN: 194

STEP: 12







BSN:�� 202

STEP:��� 9

MSN:��� 29






BSN:�� 244


MSN:�� 36






BSN:�� 238

STEP: 100

MSN:��� 44


MSN:��� 21



BSN:���� 239

STEP:�� 142

MSN:����� 44


MSN:������� 4


Total:��� 429

BSN:�� 229

STEP: 149

MSN:��� 56


MSN:��� 27




Ms. Kim Helms, RN, MSN, and Ms. Kim Craven, RN, MSN, joined the faculty as instructors in fall 2007 bringing the number of full time faculty to 23.


Based on the 2005-2006 Student and Credit Hour Costs prepared by the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, nursing costs $95 per credit hour.To put this cost in perspective, other academic departments are cited for illustrative purposes:


Academic Department

Cost per Credit Hour









Social Work







Instructor Ms. Betsy Gulledge, RN, MSN has been awarded the Florence A. Hixson Endowed Scholarship at UAB.This competitive scholarship for $5,800 was awarded to Ms. Gulledge from a pool of 130 applicants!Ms. Gulledge is a PhD student in Nursing with a focus on Biobehavioral Research.


Assistant Professor Dr. Kay Williams and Instructor Ms. Tammy Morrow have been selected to present a scholarly paper �Survivor Diabetes:Advocating for the School-aged Child with Diabetes to Outwit, Outlast, Out-cope� at the national Society of Pediatric Nursing April 3-6, 2008, Denver, CO.


Dr. Beth Hembree, Professor, was awarded a $21,008 Advanced Education Nursing Traineeship grant for 2007-2008 to provide financial assistance to MSN students.


Instructor Ms. Christie Shelton has been notified of her appointment as a National Institute of Occupational Safety (NIOSH) Graduate Fellow at UAB.This fellowship carries an award of $13,500 to support Ms. Shelton�s PhD studies in Occupational Health Nursing with a focal area of Protection, Promotion, and Restoration of Health.


Instructors Ms. Kristi Beam and Ms. Sumer Buckner have been selected for a scholarly presentation, �At a Point of No Return:A Look at Teen Suicide�, at the Critical Care for Kids national conference October 4, 2007, in Reno, NV.


Instructor Ms. Carrie Elkins has been appointed to work on the Alabama Rural Action Commission.Ms. Elkins will be working with an interdisciplinary group including Mr. Wayne Carmello-Harper, Community Foundation of Calhoun County, and Linda Jordan, Administrator Clay County Hospital to address disparities in health care in our region.


Nursing Update 2007 was held at the College of Nursing and Health Sciences (CNHS) on July 20, 2007, with 132 participants.Featured speaker was Jenny Nolen, nationally renowned humorist and motivational speaker, who presented �Overcoming Negativity�.Eight additional topics were offered to nurses from Alabama and Georgia.Subjects included Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Diabetes, Patient Advocacy, Crohn�s Disease, Ventilator Associated Pneumonia, Disaster Management in Rural Areas, and Exercise for Busy Professionals.


Instructor Ms. Christie Shelton continues as the Co-principal Investigator of the Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) Exposure and Adverse Health Effects in Anniston, AL project.This Center for Disease Control funded project is in its fourth and final year.Ms. Shelton also serves as Project Director for the grant overseeing five research studies.


In response to the 2005 CCNE Accreditation Report area of concern with compliance for Standard II -E, �Faculty members are academically and experientially qualified and sufficient in number to accomplish the mission, goals, and expected outcomes of the program�, six CNHS faculty are in full time doctoral study:


Faculty Name

Doctoral Institution


Anticipated Completion

Mendy Wright

University of Tennessee at Memphis

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

May 2008

Carrie Elkins


Doctor of Health Sciences (DHSc)

Summer 2008

Shawn Wilson


Doctor of Health Sciences (DHSc)

Summer 2008

Christie Shelton


PhD-Occupational Health Nursing with a focal area of Protection, Promotion, and Restoration of Health

Fall 2008

Betsy Gulledge


PhD-Nursing with a focus on Biobehavioral Research

May 2009

Kristi Beam


Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Fall 2009


CNHS faculty and students participated in community outreach and public service activities that touched the lives of 8,474 members of our community during 2006-2007.





Faculty/Staff Accomplishments:


Dr. Franklin King participated in the Maxwell Air Force Base Education Fair at Maxwell/Gunter Air Force Base. Information related to the University and Distance Education was presented to interested service personnel at this event.


The Office of Distance Education participated in the September Preview Day, as well as the Jacksonville Merchants Associations 4th Annual Mountain Echoes Festival.


Blackboard & Educational Technology Initiatives:


Several Blackboard training workshops were conducted during this reporting period.These workshops included:


  • Getting Familiar with My Blackboard Course
  • Adding Content and Assignments
  • Quizzes, Tests, and Surveys
  • Academic Excellence:Using Blackboard for Better Learning
  • Communication Tools
  • Gradebook, Reporting, and Performance Dashboard

The above workshops were conducted twice during the months of August and also September. Additional training workshops, including a full-range of new educational technology workshops, are also being offered during the Fall 2007 semester, as well.


SafeAssign-- The Office of Distance Education is pleased to announce the availability of a new tool in the Blackboard Course Management System called SafeAssign. SafeAssign is a tool to help prevent plagiarism in documents submitted within the Blackboard CMS. This tool assists students and faculty in ensuring the originality of work submitted, and heightens security even further within the Bb course platform.


The Office of Distance Education awarded a bid for a new IP-based videoconference system in July 2007 to Digital Connections Incorporated ($267,361.38). This system includes a new multi-point control unit (MCU), one new videoconference teaching system for each JSU originating site, and four new Tandberg Media Place systems for remote sites. This upgrade provided state-of-the art videoconferencing capabilities that ensure high-quality connectivity for classes and meetings throughout the county and the world.

Implementation of the new videoconferencing equipment, along with additional monitoring capabilities built-into the new system, allowed for early alerts of potential problems (such as low batteries), as well as diagnoses at a distance from the campus. Thus, troubleshooting of potential technical difficulties became easier and more streamlines for the Distance Education staff members responsible for maintaining this equipment. Plans for sponsoring an Open House to showcase the new IVC system are in place for the Fall 2007 semester, with on-going training of instructors on the new system also planned.

New Programs & Initiatives

Thirteen programs are now offered online through Jacksonville State University�s Distance Education program. These programs are advertised through the use of the newly established website. The Master of Science in Health Education (MSEd) was recently placed online. The following online programs are now offered:

  • Arts and Sciences

    • BS in Emergency Management with a minor in Homeland Security

    • BS in Emergency Management with a minor in Public Safety

    • Telecommunications

    • Graduate Certificate in Emergency Management

    • MPA in Emergency Management

    • Graduate Certificate in Spatial Analysis and Management

    • MPA in Spatial Analysis and Management

    • MS in Computer Systems and Software Design

  • Commerce and Business Administration

    • Master of Business Administration

  • Education and Professional Studies

    • MSEd in Physical Education

    • MS in Manufacturing Systems Technology

  • Nursing and Health Sciences

    • MSN in Nursing (in Community Health Nursing)

    • RN to BSN (STEP Program)

    • RN/BSN/MSN in Nursing (STEP Program)

    • Advertising

 The MyJSU Online domain ( continued to receive high levels of internet hits. Traffic to the website is monitored monthly. The graph below indicates the unique visitors to the MyJSU Online website, along with the number of �hits� to the site by month since its� inception.



A new television commercial was filmed for advertising the Office of Distance Education, in collaboration with Television Services. The new commercial focuses on a Nursing student at JSU who used Distance Education as a means for continuing her education while working. The commercial began airing on TV-24 in August 2007, and will run through at least the end of the Spring 2008 academic term. This commercial is also featured on the JSU infomercials created for the CSS broadcasts during the Fall 2007 televised football games.




Summer II, Marathon X, and Fall 2007 Distance Learning Course and Enrollment Data (with Blackboard Supplements)






Summer II



Course Sections


All Online (Bb, Other, STEP)*

28 ( 26 courses)

496 (446 unique students)

Bb Supplements**

35 Bb Courses (may represent more sections)

596 (556 unique students)


��� 0 ( 0courses)

�� 0 ( 0 unique students)


��� 0 ( 0courses)

�� 0 ( 0 unique students)

All distance formats*

28 ( 26 courses)

496 (446 unique students)

All formats and supplements**

At least 63

1,092 (960 unique students)

*Data provided by the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment. Source: DSTFU8IE, DMSCO4PS and DSTFE6SD Post-Registration Reports from 07/10/2007 **Data provided by the Office of Distance Education. Source:SQL Queries run against Blackboard Advanced System Reporting (ASR) Database � 07/10/2007; Data entered based on information provided by the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment.


Marathon X



Course Sections


All Online (Bb, Other, STEP)*

��� 0 ( 0courses)

�� 0 ( 0 unique students)

Bb Supplements**

2 Bb Courses

43 (41 unique students)


��� 0 ( 0courses)

�� 0 ( 0 unique students)


��� 0 ( 0courses)

�� 0 ( 0 unique students)

All distance formats*

��� 0 ( 0courses)

�� 0 ( 0 unique students)

All formats and supplements**


43 (41 unique students)


*Data provided by the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment. Source: DSTFU8IE, DMSCO4PS and DSTFE6SD Post-Registration Reports from 07/10/2007


**Data provided by the Office of Distance Education.


Source:SQL Queries run against Blackboard Advanced System Reporting (ASR) Database � 07/10/2007; Data entered based on information provided by the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment.


Fall 2007



Course Sections


All Online (Bb, Other, STEP)*

197 (145 courses)

4,492 (2,776 unique students)

Bb Supplements**

390 Bb courses (may represent more sections)

10,078 (5,843 unique students)


��� 22 (9courses)

�� 157 (136 unique students)


��� 1 (1course)

�� 36 (36 unique students)

All distance formats*

�� 220 (155 courses)

4,685 (2,899 unique students)

All formats and supplements**

At least 610

14,763 (7,392 unique students)


*Data provided by the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment.



**Data provided by the Office of Distance Education.


���� Source:SQL Queries run against Blackboard Advanced System Reporting (ASR) Database � 09/18/2007; Data entered based on information provided by the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment.


Fall 2007 indicated a continued increase over Fall 2006 in total student enrollments (Figure 1.)in DE course formats, along with an increase in the total number of courses (Figure 2.) offered through DE formats, as well.


Figure 1.



Figure 2.


Houston Cole Library

The Library hosted a Web Conference, �Writing Right for the Web,� which covered such points as writing for the reader, the need for a web editor, and enhancing search engine visibility.


New COMWEB software, equipment, and five additional workstations were installed in the Library�s smart classroom.Now classes of 30 students can be accommodated with better instructor control of the workstations.


The Library�s collection of 285 local oral history tapes was digitized and converted to MP3 format.Now users can access oral histories through the library catalog and listen to them online.


Upgrades to the Library�s catalog/circulation system (Endeavor Release 6.5.2) and the electronic reserve system (Docutek Release 5.3.03) were completed, thereby improving performance and maintaining currency of vendor support.


The Library purchased five laptop computers and began lending them for use within the building.Students can check out these computers to access the Library�s wireless network.


Ms. Carley Suther published a review of "Senses of Cinema." Reference Reviews.

(V. 21, no. 1/2, 2007), p. 45.


Ms. Jodi W. Poe published a review of �Start Here: Go Places.�Choice (V. 44, no. 12, August 2007), p. 2147.


Ms. Jodi W. Poe published a review of �OmniFile Full Text Mega Edition.�Reference Reviews (V. 21, no. 6, 2007), p. 6-8.


Ms. Jodi Poe and Ms. Paula Barnett-Ellis published �Electronic Reserves for the Nursing Programs at Jacksonville State University.�The Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery, and Electronic Reserves (V. 17, no. 1/2, 2007), pp. 67-81.


Ms. Laurie Charnigo and Ms. Paula Barnett-Ellis published "Checking out The Impact of a Digital Trend on Academic Libraries."Information Technology and Libraries (V. 26, no. 1, 2007).



Mr. John-Bauer Graham was a panelist at the University of Alabama School of Library and Information Studies Fall �Mentoring Day.� Tuscaloosa, AL.August 31, 2007.

Mr. John-Bauer Graham was a guest lecturer at the University of Alabama School of Library and Information Studies LS 501 �Publishing in Library and Information Science Literature.�Gadsden, AL.July 27, 2007.

Ms. Hanrong Wang presented �China Report� to the Vice President and deans.July, 2007.


Ms. Laurie Charnigo and Ms. Paula Barnett-Ellis presented a poster session, "Checking Out The Impact of a Digital Trend on Academic Libraries" at the MS Library 2.0 Summit. Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS.June 15, 2007.


Plans are underway for the annual high school principal and counselor luncheons for those in the JSU service area.This is the 5th year for this type of recruiting effort.JSU Gadsden Director Mr. Ralph Burke is heavily involved in coordinating these functions.Beyond the high schools, during the previous academic year an event was held at Northeast Community College.Furthermore, this year luncheons will extend into the Birmingham / Jefferson County area, Montgomery County, and Northwest Georgia.

Dr. Marcia Hardney, JSU Gadsden Associate Director, attended the 92nd annual convention of the Association for the Study of African-American Life and History, October 3-7.While there, she co-presented with Dr. Myrtice Collins from the College of Education and Professional Studies, a paper titled, �African American Shape-Note Perspectives: Overview of a Musical Style.


We have an exciting new group of students this year.It is probably the most culturally diverse (even the�American� group is multi-cultural!)We truly span the globe.

On October 13, we have our annual picnic in Mentone, hosted as always by Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Frame (of Anniston).They will be presented with the Clay and Betty Slate International Service and Friendship Award at that time, as they were unable to attend our banquet last April.


The Annual U.N. Day Tea will be held on Sunday, October 21, at 2:00 p.m.That�s the day after Homecoming.Please put it on your calendars.Invitations will come out closer to the event.

The Annual Fall Business Meeting will be held on Monday, November 5, at 12:00 noon.


Plans for the May, 2008 International House Alumni Reunion in Orlando, Florida are underway.


Jeffrey (IH, 1958) and Tomiko (IH, 1958-59) Smyth have rounded out their $85K pledge to the Jones Scholarship Fund to an even $100K.This pledge is now official and booked in the Power of 125 Campaign ledger.


Associate Vice President�s Office

The Associate Vice President�s Office has been active with gathering information about the Division, assessing current protocols and critical needs, and leading an effort to identify shared values and goals.Ultimately these activities will enable the Division of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs to a focused vision for the future

The most significant activities for the AVP�s Office since the July Board meeting:


  1. Executive Coach led team building transition meeting with new AVP and Student Affairs Directors
  2. Division wide breakfast meeting on September 24th to communicate our shared values and goals and our plans for the future.
  3. AACRAO Consulting to assist JSU with developing a Strategic Enrollment Management Plan.

Admissions Office

The Office of Admissions is pleased to announce that undergraduate applications are at a record high for the 2007 fall semester with 4538 students applying for admission. The number of new students accepted is the highest ever with 4061 acceptances. The number of freshmen enrolled for the fall semester is the highest since admission requirements were implemented in the early 1990�s. A chart labeled �Office of Admissions, Final Fall Figures� has been provided in your packet of information.

Career Placement Services

Congressman Mike Rogers kicked off Career Placement Services 07-08 Speaker�s Bureau on September 17th.He addressed the JSU students in the food court of TMB on �My Career, My Success, My JSU.�Dr. Meehan presented the Congressman with an engraved brick to be placed in the walkway of the JSU Alumni House.


Career Placement Services holds active memberships in Alabama Association of Colleges and Employers (AACE), National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), (JASA), The Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce, The Etowah County Chamber of Commerce, Cullman Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Southeastern Regional Cooperative Education Conference (SERCEC).


Ms. Turner participated in the first combined conference of Mississippi and Alabama Association of Colleges and Employers; this conference was held in Biloxi, MS


JSU Partnership with Honda Manufacturing includes co-op students and co-op turned employee:


����������� Greg White

����������� Cliff McDowell

����������� Beth Price

����������� Eric Heaton (co-op with Honda while in school)

����������� Dale Broyles (co-op with Honda while in school)

����������� Scott Haywood

����������� Brent Comer (co-op with Honda while in school)

����������� Ronnie Matthews (co-op with Honda while in school)

����������� Chris Milam

����������� Austin Woodley

����������� Brad Almaroad

����������� Bradley Harris

�����������Jeff Rasmussen (co-op with Honda while in school)


Current Co-Op Students at Honda:

����������� Karl Harris

����������� Dustin Alford

����������� Jessica O�Dell

����������� Chad Richardson

����������� Mark Penn

����������� Natalia Beavers

����������� Varian May

����������� Jessica Brown

����������� Brandon Cunningham

����������� Ben Hicks

����������� Crystal Wingard


Honda Associates serving on JSU Industrial Advisory Council for Technology:

 �����������James Freer

����������� Matt Smith

Department of University Housing and Residence Life

Occupancy Report:



Available Beds

Occupancy %



































Available Beds

Occupancy %

Campus Inn (Eff)



Campus Inn (1Bd)






Jax (1Bd)



Jax (2Bd)












Penn House













Available Beds

Occupancy %

All Houses













Available Beds

Occupancy %





Please note the occupancy percentages since fall 2004.

Fall 2004



Spring 2004


Fall 2005



Spring 2005


Fall 2006



Spring 2006


Fall 2007



Spring 2007



Staff Report:

Ms. Brandy Roberts, Clerk Assistant III, is on maternity leave from June 26th until October 1st.


Mr. Andy Chudy, Residence Life Coordinator for the Apartment Area, resigned on September 6th.


Ms. Andrea Pruitt has accepted the Residence Life Coordinator position for the Apartment Area.Ms. Andrea Pruitt was previously the Residence Life Coordinator for Sparkman and Daugette Hall and will continue supervising both areas until the position is filled.

We are currently accepting applications/resumes for (1) Residence Life Coordinator position.

Newly hired Resident Assistants (32) began LS 210 Resident Assistant Seminar on September 4, 2007.


As a community service project, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity is volunteering their time to perform weekend trash detail within the residence halls.

Program Report:

Co-sponsored 911 Remembrance Program and the Health Fair with Counseling and Career Services

Program Title: Work Smart, Not Hard (36)

Residents were given effect and efficient ways to organize daily schedules

Program Title: Get to Know Your RA (15)

Residents were able to meet and greet with their RA.


Program Title: Puzzle Pieces: Building a Dorm into a Hall (29)

Non-Southerners and Southerners were able to mingle and find out why it is important to get along with each other.


Program Title: Healthy Living (30)

Residents were given information from the Student Health Center.


Resident Hall Association (RHA) Report:


The 2007-2008 Resident Hall Association (RHA) executive board:


President: Ms. Jasmine Sessom

Vice-President:Mr. Antwan Dixon

Secretary:Mr. Jacolby Parks

Treasurer:Mr. Tim Wyatt

National Communications Coordinator:Ms. Jasmine George


Facilities Report:

In conjunction with the Physical Plant, the Department of University Housing and Residence Life has completed several projects throughout our facilities this summer.These projects are carefully planned in order to continue enhancing our living environment.


Daugette Hall

All carpet was removed and replaced with VCT.

All mini-blinds were replaced.

The interior was completely painted.

All sinks were glazed and faucets were replaced.

Lay-in ceiling was installed throughout the building.

A storefront entrance was installed in the foyer for front desk access.

The old photography office was converted into a recreational lounge and new furniture was added.

New mattresses were added.


Crow Hall

The lounge and lobby furniture was replaced.

The large basement area was converted into a recreational lounge and new furniture was added.


Dixon Hall

The lounge and lobby furniture was replaced.


Logan Hall

The first floor lounge and lobby furniture was replaced.


Patterson Hall

The first floor lounge and lobby furniture was replaced.


Penn House

The remaining two units were renovated.


Pannell Apartments

The bed frames, mattresses, chairs were replaced.

Student Life

Student Government Association/Multicultural Programming

Student Government Association Executive Officers attended the Institute of Leadership Development Conference at Troy University on July 6-7, 2007.This is a statewide leadership retreat for university SGA officers.

The SGA sponsored a pool/pizza party for students living in residence housing in July.

Student Government Association Executive Officers attended the STARS Leadership and University Advocates Conference in Sandestin, Florida on August 8-10, 2007.

The SGA Senate Retreat was held on August 13-14, 2007, in Columbiana, Alabama.

Welcome Week 2007 begin in August with Get On Board Day, All Sports Pep Rally, Poster Sale on the Quad, Go Extreme, Organizational Council Meeting at the President�s House, Student Involvement Meeting and a Tailgate Party for the first home game.

Fraternity and Sorority Life

151 women registered and attended formal recruitment on August 25-28, 2007.

93 women accepted bids to join a sorority during this process.

83% of women received their first choice.

This was a 56% increase from 2006 formal recruitment


IFC Chapters organized their own informal recruitment week.Chapter�s were encouraged to plan and organize their own chapter events and extended bids to men at their discretion.At the end of fraternity recruitment there are 87 new fraternity members on record, this is an increase from 66 new fraternity members in 2006.


Approximately 252 students attended NPHC Convocation for students interested in JSU�s National Pan-Hellenic Council, consisting of traditionally African-American fraternities and sororities.This was a large increase in attendance in comparison to the 215 students that attended in Spring 2007.

Counseling and Career Services

The 2007-2008 JSU Peer Educators have been trained and now are presenting to individual classes as requested by campus groups and class instructors.


On Sept. 18th, the Office of Counseling and Career Services, along with University Housing and the JSU Peer Educators, held a Health Fair.�� There were 23 vendors represented and over 250 students and staff attended.

The Peer Educators National Bacchus and Gamma conference will be held in Atlanta, GA.This year, our JSU Peer Educators are up for a national award.

We hope to take several from this group to this conference, which will be held in November.

Rickey Naugher, Director, has been working with other staff members on campus, to develop an Emergency Operations Plan.One section of this plan, developed by the Counseling Department, deals with the role that CCS would provide in case of an emergency on campus and identifies others who could assist with counseling in case of an emergency.

Todd Prater, Testing Coordinator, completed training as a volunteer for RAINN (The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) on August 29, 2007.He also presented the following:

Sept. 17 - Keirsey Temperament Sorter for Counseling Education

Sept. 19 - Keirsey Temperament Sorter for Social Work Interns
DISCOVER Programs for LS 100 Courses on 9/18, 9/20 (2 classes), 9/24 (2 classes).


Adam Green presented the following:

Aug. 2 � Presented a workshop to University Police on �Dealing with Emotionally Disturbed Persons.�


Aug. 24 � Presented an overview of CCS Dept. to New Faculty Orientation.


Sept. 25 � Presented to an RA class on �Behavior/Conflict Issues, Mediation and Peer Influence.�

JSU Police Department


UPD presented training on the JSU Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) and specific emergency response protocols to the campus community.Two training sessions were presented at the Theron Montgomery Building Auditorium. The training was a broad overview of the JSU Emergency Operations Plan and covered specific EOP Hazard Appendices such as severe weather, fires, bomb threats, and an active shooter response. The training also covered prevention of campus violence, how and when to report disruptive behavior, and recommended protective steps.

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