July 2007
Dr. Safaa Al-Hamdani Sends "Letter of Appreciation" for JSU's Support
of Books for Baghdad Project
Jacksonville State University's Dr. Safaa Al-Hamdani issues the following "Letter of
Appreciation" to the students, faculty, staff, and administration for their generous support in connection with his third recently completed
book drive in his Books for Baghdad project:
On behalf of the Books for Baghdad project, I would
like to express my deepest appreciation to the students, faculty, staff, and administration
for their generous support of this project. The last shipment of near
12,000 books and other educational items were sent to the Baghdad
universities on June 21, 2007. This will bring the total book donations
to over 55,000 text books.
I have received numerous e-mails from the
faculty in Baghdad expressing their gratitude and appreciation for the
help they have received during this difficult time.
Personally, I am
overwhelmed by the generosity and support I have received from
Jacksonville State University in completing this project. I would have
never been able to accomplish this task without the help of my
colleagues and friends at this university and the other universities
across the US.
Safaa Al-Hamdani
Professor of Biology
Jacksonville State University
Jacksonville, AL 36265
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