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26 October 2006

English Dept. Lecture Series
Features Fulbright Scholar from Morocco

The English Department Lecture Series proudly announces its next event, a lecture by Said Mentak, a visiting Fulbright Scholar from Morocco.

�Postmodernist American Fiction: A Reading of Kurt Vonnegut� is the title of the presentation by Dr. Mentak. It will take place on Wednesday, November 8, 2006, at 3:30 p.m. in Room 1103A of Houston Cole Library on the campus of Jacksonville State University.

Dr. Mentak has been selected by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) as a Fulbright Visiting Specialist and, as such, he is visiting JSU for three weeks. The CIES program of which Dr. Mentak is a part is called �Access to the Muslim World.�

Dr. Mentak is a professor of English at University Mohamed I in Oujda, Morocco, where he has been on faculty since 1988. He has participated in numerous cross-cultural conferences and seminars in the past few years and published a number of articles on cultural dialogue and the effect of culture on literature. Mentak is particularly interested in �Islam and the West� and �Defining Dialogue in Western Islamic Cultures.�

This event is free and open to the public. Please contact Teresa Reed at 782-5456 or for further information.

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