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18 October 2006
UPD to Conduct CSEPP Training Sessions

The University Police Department will conduct several (CSEPP) Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Plan training sessions. The first training session will be located in the auditorium of the TMB and will begin on October 24th at 3:00 p.m.; training will last about 15 minutes. Repeat training sessions will continue every 15 minutes until 5 p.m. The second training session will be held on the 11th floor of Houston Cole Library on the 27th of October 2006 with the first session beginning at 3:00 p.m. and will be repeated every 15 minutes until 5 p.m.

This emergency preparedness training is highly recommended for all JSU employees and students. The Jacksonville State University Chemical Stockpile Preparedness Plan is available for review online at If you have questions or concerns, please contact the University Police Department at 782-5050.

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