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25 September 2006

JSU A Major Sponsor
of Mountain Echoes Festival

According to Dr. Rebecca O. Turner, vice president for academic and student affairs, Jacksonville State University was a major sponsor of the Jacksonville Mountain Echoes Festival, held Saturday, September 23, 2006, on the town square. Dr. Turner coordinated JSU's involvement in the festival, which is an annual event organized by the Jacksonville Merchants Association.

More than sixty vendors sold craft items, food, jewelry, and paintings while children enjoyed games just for them. Throughout the day local musical talent entertained festival goers. Door prizes were distributed to more than fifty lucky individuals in attendance. ABC 33/40's News Anchor, Brenda Ladun, signed autographs and greeted hundreds of visitors to the Jacksonville State University tent on the square.

In the spirit of community, more than one hundred JSU staff and students worked throughout the day performing a multitude of tasks. A special thanks to Dr. Joe Delap and LTC Chip Hester for filling in as masters of ceremony, introducing talent, making special announcements and giving away door prizes. A big thanks to Mary Cheatwood, in the office of the VPASA, for all the administrative tasks she accomplished in preparation of the event.

JSU volunteers represented the following organizations or offices:

Administrative Council

Deans Council


Audio - Visual Center

Career Placement Services

Student Life






Student Government Association

Circle K

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority

Alpha Xi Delta Sorority

Delta Zeta Sorority

Iota Phi Theta Fraternity

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority

Sigma Pi Fraternity

Kappa Alpha Fraternity

Sigma Nu Fraternity

Delta Chi Fraternity

Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity

Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority

Alpha Phi Alpha Sorority

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority

What a great contribution all of our JSU volunteers made to this event. Thank you for generously giving of your time and talent. Your actions speak volumes about JSU's friendliness and altruism.

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