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11 August 2006

Linda Bright's Temporary Job
Led to Long Career at JSU

Linda Fagan Bright never intended to work until retirement age. What began as a temporary job led to a 28-year career with the ROTC Department at Jacksonville State University.

In the summer of 1969, after the birth of twins, Linda resigned her job at Fort McClellan to be a full-time mom to the twins and a 2-year-old daughter. Another daughter, Audra, would arrive in 1971.

She returned to Fort McClellan in 1978 and worked six months in a temporary position at the Military Police School. Her plan was to work temporarily during the months her daughters were in school. She planned to return to Fort McClellan in September. However, in August, a temporary military personnel clerk position became available at JSU ROTC.

A few months later, the position was converted from temporary to permanent, and Linda continued working because she liked the campus and she liked her job. She learned that although it wasn�t an easy task, she could combine a full-time job and rearing children.

Linda retired as human resources assistant at JSU on Aug. 3 only to venture into another phase of her life.

See story at The Piedmont Journal's website: .

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