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10 August 2006

Biotech Lab Out for McClellan

There will be no deadly disease research at McClellan.

The Department of Homeland Security on Wednesday eliminated the former army base from a list of finalists for the National Bio- and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF), a research center that will develop ways to protect the nation�s public health and food supply from terrorism.

McClellan had been touted as a host for the $450 million center by a coalition of business, community and college organizations led by Auburn University and backed by Gov. Bob Riley. An application for the site was sent to Washington last March after a hurried month of preparation.

Pete Conroy, a JPA board member and Director of Jacksonville State University�s Environmental Policy and Information Center. Conroy also was concerned that the center would add to Anniston�s �toxic town� reputation and frighten business and developers.

�The NBAF is a great project, but it was a bad fit for this particular community,� Conroy said. �This gives us a terrific opportunity to take advantage of the partnership to prepare for that opportunity, running with something that�s bigger and better and completely positive.�

See story at The Anniston Star's website: .

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