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25 July 2006

Riley Kicks Off Math, Science Program

JSU's site is one of 11 around the state this summer showing more than 2,400 teachers how to improve math and science education this summer. Tanya Barnes, AMSTI site coordinator at JSU, said teachers will collect water at Germania Springs to test its clarity. They'll limbo to learn to calculate the area under a curve, bake cookies to learn how bakeries turn a profit and design a Ferris wheel to learn about physics.

“Math and science are a little less intimidating when you're using a Ferris wheel,” Barnes said.

Teachers return to their schools with about $3,500 in tools for new methods.

A study released last year by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ranked the United States 20th out of 41 developed nations in mathematical proficiency of 15-year-olds. At the welcome ceremony, state Superintendent of Education Joe Morton said AMSTI will make American students more competitive in a global economy.

See story at The Anniston Star's website:

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