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31 August 2005

Photo Feature

Scenes from a

Triathlon Saturday

for Field School Events

Lauren Kelley of Florida State University, center, heard about JSU's water safety event and joined in with several other friends from FSU.

Photos by Renee Morrison, Randy Wilson, J. Allan Gower, and Karen Gregg.

It was a triathalon Saturday for Jacksonville State University's Field School program. Nearly 200 participants turned out for three Field School workshops, showing strong demand for the type of programs offered through the Environmental Policy and Information Center (EPIC). The Essentials of River Safety Paddle Clinic attracted more than 150 paddling enthusiasts ranging from beginner to expert. They gathered along the banks of Terrapin Creek to explore eight learning stations on topics such as �paddle technique, wading in swift water, strainers, and rescue rope toss." The JSU Field School and the American Canoe Association received hundreds of compliments regarding the event. The day maintained a 100% safety record for the paddling participants: not one injury was incurred. Also that day, the Printmaking Workshop attracted 20 artists, some budding and others fully bloomed. They gathered at historic McClellan�s charming Lide Hall Saturday to learn several different printmaking techniques, including those using linoleum block, ropes, and natural materials. A large print displaying their individual work is on exhibit near the EPIC office in Martin Hall. The third workshop was an Archaeology Tour of Calhoun and St. Clair Counties. Ten explorers were guided through the past to study native American history, epic battles, and early southeastern cultures by JSU Archaeologist Dr. Harry Holstein. Those who missed this impressive tour can join Dr. Holstein for his archaeological exploration of Cherokee and DeKalb counties in October.


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