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13 October 2005
Local Ghost Hunter Tells Tales

By Brandon White
Reprinted from

Renee Morrison of the JSU Field School became interested in ghosts at age 12 when she and her 19 year old aunt ventured into a house that people claimed to be haunted.  It was there that she encountered her first ghost.  Since then she has been fascinated with the study and tracking of ghosts.  Several times a year she speaks to groups about her experiences and those told to her by others.  Saturday night she spoke at the Red Bud pavilion atop Cheaha Mountain.  The fog and firelight added to the atmosphere, but Ms. Morrison is a great storyteller on top of that.  If you have the opportunity to listen to her speak, take it.  You can find out more about the programs offered through the JSU Field school by clicking on the following link:


Renee Morrison tells the story of Jedediah Cobb the snake charmer

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