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19 September 2005
Training Group Meeting Schedule
for Annual Gamecock Gallop Homecoming 5K

Jim McLaughlin and Gina Mabrey of the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation invite you to participate in the fifth annual Gamecock Gallop Homecoming 5K, which will be held at 8 a.m. on Saturday, October 29, 2005. Participants will gather at Pete Mathews Coliseum.

The cost is $5 for JSU employees and $10 for community participants or $15 for everyone on the day of the event. T-shirts and awards will be given to the top finishers, and the department with most faculty and staff finishers will be awarded the President's Cup.

"This is not just a race," says McLaughlin. "We want everyone to participate - feel free to walk if you like."

Participants are also invited to join our training group, which meets on Wednesdays in the Coliseum lobby at 4:45 p.m. The training group will gradually work up to completing the entire course.

For more information, please contact the Wellness Center at
ext. 5114.

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