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6 September 2005
Cautions Regarding Relief Efforts

The Jacksonville State University community will be asked to join Hurricane Katrina relief efforts over the following weeks and months, and emergency management officials are cautioning everyone to heed a few rules of thumb before committing money and supplies.


During an informal gathering today in Anniston, officials gave the following cautions:


-- Don't organize fund-raising efforts for Red Cross without first gaining approval from Red Cross officials. Elaine Nelson, local coordinator of the Red Cross's disaster relief effort, said fund-raisers must obtain a letter of approval before soliciting funds to benefit the relief project. For more information, go to or call the Calhoun County chapter at 236-0391.


-- Donate foods that can be eaten immediately without preparation. The best way to contribute food is through the Salvation Army, Red Cross, or a well-organized church group. The Salvation Army in Anniston can be reached at 236-5642.


-- Do not donate clothing. Mrs. Nelson said emergency groups lack warehouses and manpower to sort and process used clothing. She said a more effective way is to donate cash to an authorized fund-raising effort so the Red Cross can purchase new clothing and shoes that will fit specific individuals receiving help.


Further updates will be provided as necessary. For the latest hurricane relief information, go to JSU's newswire at

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