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CSEPP Training Sessions Dec. 14

14 December, 2004 — The University Police Department will conduct two simultaneous Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Plan (CSEPP) training sessions on Tuesday, December 14, 2004. The training is scheduled for all buildings except residence halls on the Jacksonville State University campus. The training will begin at 3:00 p.m. and will last until 4:30 p.m.

The University Police will begin telephonically notifying building managers at 3:00 p.m. The UPD dispatcher will request that building managers notify their building occupants. If the University Police are unable to contact a building manager, an officer will be dispatched to make contact with that building manager or their representative. Building managers or their representative will be responsible for informing all occupants of their building of the training exercise. Classes and those preparing for finals should not be interrupted.

During the notification process, building managers should instruct building occupants that participation in this training is “strictly voluntary.” If you are located on the east side of Highway 21, then you should report to the Houston Cole Library, Room 1103A. If you are on the West side of Highway 21, then you should report to the Leone Cole Auditorium. Upon arriving at the Houston Cole Library or the Leone Cole Auditorium, participants will sign-in, review a 10 minute informational briefing, and be asked to provide any written comments regarding the University’s (CSEPP) plan. After the 3 phases of the training are complete, participants will be released to return to their buildings. If you have already viewed the briefing, you may sign in and return to your building.

The Jacksonville State University Chemical Stockpile Preparedness Plan is available for review online at If you have questions or concerns, please contact the University Police Department at 782-5050.

SECURITY REMINDER—If you participate in this drill, please lock your doors if no one is left in the room or building.

NOTE: Classes and those who are preparing for finals should not be interrupted for this training session. The training is not mandatory, but all building managers are encouraged to get as many building occupants to participate as possible.

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