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Christmas Drive for Needy Kids
in Guatemala

3 December, 2004 � The JSU History Club and Phi Alpha Theta are sponsoring a drive to collect Christmas shoe boxes for delivery to needy kids in Guatemala. If you would like to participate in this charitable program you can make up a shoe box filled with some of the following items:

  • Toys: small cars, balls, dolls, jacks, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos
  • School Supplies: pens, pencils, sharpeners, colored pencils, calculators, chalk, crayons, coloring books, note pads
  • Hygiene Products: toothpase, toothbrush, soap, comb, etc.
  • Other: hardy candy, gums, lollipops, mints, gum, ball caps, socks, underwear, costume jewelry, hair clips.
Mark the top of the box with the appropriate age and sex of the child you would like to have gift delivered. The box may be delivered to the History Department in Room 315 Stone Center or call George Lauderbaugh at ext 8044 to arrange a pickup. Boxes will be collected until December 15 and delivered directly to Guatemala by truck.

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