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Reminder of CSEPP Training Exercise Nov. 12

12 November, 2004 — On 12 November 2004 at 3:00 p.m., UPD will conduct a CSEPP protective action exercise. Buildings east of highway 21 have been selected for this  exercise. The exercise concept is similar to the training event held early this past Spring. The target population for this exercise are administrative personnel. However, anyone wanting to participate may do so.

UPD will telephonically notify building managers and ask them to alert their building. Building managers should then instruct the building occupants to go to the eleventh floor of Houston Cole Library, (1103 A). Upon arriving, participants will be signed in, given an information briefing (10 minutes), asked to provide any written comments regarding the JSU plan, and then released back to their work areas.

This worked very well during the first training exercise and we have only had to make some minor adjustments. If you will not be available on the 12th, please ensure you have an alternate building manager available who can notify your building occupants. Participation by building occupants while not mandatory is highly encouraged. Future exercise may be made mandatory. When notifying building occupants you should inform them that this is only an exercise and that participation is voluntary.

Security reminder—to those participating, please lock your doors if no one is left in the room or building. Classes should not be interrupted for this exercise. If UPD is unable to notify your building telephonically an officer will be dispatched to make contact with you or your representative. Duration of excersie is from 3:00 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. See Related Article. >>>

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