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Music at Museum Toots Their Horns on the 20th Anniversary with Jacksonville Brass Quintet

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Jacksonville Brass Quintet (Photo: Steve Latham/JSU)

By Susie Francis Dempsey

21 October 2004 � JSU's resident faculty brass ensemble, the Jacksonville Brass Quintet, will perform at the Anniston Museum of Natural History on Sunday, November 7 at 3 p.m. as a part of the 20th Anniversary season of Music at the Museum. The group consists of Dr. John Merriman and Dr. Chip Crotts, trumpets, Mr. Jeff Soloman, horn, Dr. Jim Roberts, trombone, and Mr. Chris Hosmer, tuba. They will present music ranging from the 17th century to the 20th centuries including both transcribed and original works.

The members of the JSU group not only teach their instruments, but also are involved in a variety of teaching duties in the David L. Walters Department of Music. The newest member, Dr. Crotts is in his third year on the faculty and divides his time teaching trumpet and directing the JSU jazz program. He is originally from North Carolina and completed doctoral studies at the University of Texas at Austin.

Dr. Merriman, a Wisconsin native, came to JSU from doctoral studies at the University of Iowa and teaches applied trumpet, brass techniques and guitar techniques. Mr. Soloman, is an adjunct instructor in horn and resides in Birmingham where he performs as third and assistant principal horn in the Alabama Symphony Orchestra. He holds a master of music in horn performance degree from the Juilliard School. Dr. Roberts, originally from Massachusetts, is beginning his fourth decade as trombone professor at JSU. He holds graduate degrees from the University of Iowa. Tubist, Mr. Hosmer, is a JSU graduate having earned master's degrees in both performance and computer science.

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