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On-line Registration for Parking Permits Now Required

By Sherry Kughn
News Bureau

July 12, 2004 — Jacksonville State University students and employees must register on-line at the University Web site ( for 2004-05 parking decals beginning 15 July—permits will not be available by other means, according to the University Police Department.

UPD officials say they are hoping to get the word out so people can avoid parking tickets or worse—such as getting their cars booted.

The permits will cost more, too. The new fee increases to $25 from previous years’ $15. And UPD has pre-determined the formats customers will get: students are assigned stick-on decals while faculty and staff get hanging tags designed for rearview mirrors.

A UPD spokesman said a survey last year showed that JSU’s fee was ten dollars below the average fee of $25.88 charged at other universities.

“I don’t know where the increase [in cost] will precisely be spent,” said Dr. Marvin Jenkins, associate vice president for student affairs, who oversaw the survey. “We maintain our roads. We keep everything re-painted. We also increase [the size of] our lots where we can.”

Earlier this year new parking spaces were added to the parking lot across from Brewer Hall. A new stairway was added to join the upper and lower levels of parking near Stone Center.

“People don’t realize the cost of adding even one parking space,” said Mr. George Lord, JSU’s director of physical plant.“ From the ground up the cost averages out to be between eight hundred and a thousand dollars each. We must figure in the costs of engineering, grading work, drainage, curbs, gutters and paving.”

Police Chief Terry Schneider said another improvement for this fall will be a computerized enforcement system for identifying and contacting students who are illegally parked. Rather than having their car towed, it might be possible to contact them about the problem.

Computer labs around campus can be used to buy permits beginning July 15th. People who do not have access to computers can call UPD’s Bobbie Gaddy on 15 July at 256-782-5277 for help in buying a permit.

Students may pay the $25 fee with a credit card or it will be charged to their account. Employees have the option of having the fee deducted from their pay.

Another change impacts those who own more than one car used on campus. They may purchase a separate permit or simply move their hanging tag from one car to another as needed.

In past years, drivers who purchased JSU vanity tags were exempt from parking fees. Now, all drivers must purchase their parking permits on-line. Owners of JSU vanity plates can apply for a reimbursement by making a trip to UPD with their vehicle registration receipt. UPD hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call 782-5050 for more information or directions.

“With all of these changes, people may think we are changing things just to be changing things,” said Corp. Neil Fetner. “All of these are improvements, though, that will help us better serve the campus community. People can avoid long lines and save time.”

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