JSU Newswire
Jacksonville, Alabama

JSU Southerners To Perform Special Half-time Presentation with Atlanta Bagpipe Band on Nov. 15

November 7, 2003 -- The Jacksonville State University Marching Southerners are proud to announce an exciting ending to their 2003 season.  The Southerners will be performing a special half-time presentation with the Atlanta Bagpipe Band on November 15, 2003 at the JSU vs. Eastern Illinois football game.  The game will be held at Paul Snow Stadium on the campus of JSU and will begin at 4:00 PM.  Immediately after the game, the Marching Southerners will be performing their entire exhibition show.  If you love football and marching band, this is definitely a game you will want to attend.

The Atlanta Pipe Band is recognized as the leader among pipe bands in the South and a major competitor throughout the United States and Canada.  The Band has established this standard of excellence in performance and competition under the skillful leadership of a number of dedicated Pipe Majors, most recently that of Pipe Major Jerry Finegan. 

The Band's 33-year history included performances for Presidents Carter and Bush, Prince Charles, Mikhail Gorbachev, and the Dalai Lama.  It was also a notable contributor to such events as Rod Stewart's World Tour, the Indigo Girls at Atlanta's Chastain Park and the prestigious Walker and Curtis Cup Golf Tournaments.  The Band has also performed at college football half time shows at Georgia Tech, the University of Alabama and the University of Tennessee.

For more information contact JSU Band Director Ken Bodiford at 782-5562 or kbodifor@jsu.edu.


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