Photos By Steve Latham

Faculty and administrators comprising the new JSU
Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi. |
JSU Awarded a Chapter of the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
December 3, 2002 -- In a ceremony on campus Jacksonville State University has been officially granted its own chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest, largest, and most selective all-discipline academic honor society.
Phi Kappa Phi Southeastern Regional Vice President Wayne Lacy presided over the signing of the chapter's charter, the swearing in of the chapter's officers, and the induction of 56 JSU faculty members and administrators into the society.
Membership in the society is by invitation only based on high standards of academic excellence. Membership invitations will be extended to outstanding JSU juniors and seniors beginning in the spring of 2003, and eventually to outstanding alumni as well.
Phi Kappa Phi's motto is Philosophía Krateítõ Phõtôn, which, translated from the Greek means, "Let the love of learning rule humanity." Its official mission is "to recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher education and to engage the community of scholars in service to others." Phi Kappa Phi backs up these ideals with the biggest awards program of any academic honor society: over $500,000 annually in national and local scholarships and awards for which JSU faculty and student members are eligible to apply.
The JSU Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi will serve as a catalyst for the interaction of outstanding JSU students, alumni, faculty, and administrators who share the values and goals of the society. More information about Phi Kappa Phi is available on its national web site: In the near future, the JSU chapter will have its own web site where the JSU community can keep up with the activities of the chapter. Meanwhile, those interested in the chapter are encouraged to contact its president, Dr. John Jones, Associate Professor of English, at 782-5537 or

JSU faculty sign the official charter of the new
JSU Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi. Teresa Reed signs; other charter
members waiting to sign, from left to right, are Lisa Williams,
Jeff Dodd, Susan Di Biase, Stephanie Kirby, Randall Davis,
Susan Sellers, Brenda Phillips, Martha Lavendar, and
John Ketterer. (Charter members not pictured: Jan Case,
Michael Crowe, John Jones, Debra Owen, Patricia Borstorff,
George Whitesel.)

JSU faculty and administrators take part in the
installation ceremony for the new JSU Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi.

Phi Kappa Phi Southeastern Regional Vice President
Wayne Lacy swears in the officers of the new JSU chapter of Phi
Kappa Phi: (left to right) Treasurer Stephanie Kirby, President
Elect Brenda Phillips, Wayne Lacy, Public Relations Officer
Jeff Dodd, Secretary Jan Case, and President John Jones. |

Phi Kappa Phi Southeastern Regional Vice President
Wayne Lacy (Professor Emeritus of Economics, AUM) conducting
the installation ceremony for the new JSU Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi.