Looking over sophisticated new manufacturing design equipment and software are Jacksonville State University President Bill Meehan, left; Patrick Rona, seated, CEO of North American Bus Industries (NABI) of Oxford; and Bob Zeaton, NABI's vice president for engineering. Jacksonville State University's Department of Technology and Engineering recently dedicated its new Manufacturing Design Lab housed in Self Hall, which is made possible through major contributions from North American Bus Industries (NABI) and National Automotive Center. NABI formed a partnership with JSU and provided the graphics workstations valued at $50,000 needed to run the software. The Pro-Engineering software package was provided by the National Automotive Center. The new lab will provide JSU students with an ability to create manufacturing designs utilizing advanced 3-D solid modeling and assembly techniques. Future additions to the lab will allow students to create prototypes of their designs. For more information on the new lab and the degree programs available, contact JSU's Terry Marbut at 782-5034. (Photo By Ben Cunningham)

Bill Meehan, Patrick Rona, Terry Marbut

Joe Delap, Martha McCormick, Alice Cusimano,
Snider, Patrick Rona, Mike Wallner,
Bill Meehan, Laszlo Fiscl,
Terry Marbut, Herb Clark, not known,
Bob Zeaton.