JACKSONVILLE -- September 19, 2002 -- Jacksonville State University Eminent Scholar Glen Browder will be the
featured guest on an Alabama Public Television "For The Record" program.
Dr. Browder, who is currently conducting a statewide series of public
forums on American democracy, will appear live on the September 30 show
which runs from 6:30-7:00 p.m. The program, which will include a telephone
call-in session, will focus on the forums and his new book, The Future of
American Democracy: A Former Congressman's Unconventional Analysis (2002).
"America is changing in ways that are important and unsettling for the
future of American democracy," Browder says. "We are undergoing a
democratic metamorphosis of uncertain consequence for the 'Great
Experiment' of American history, and we owe it to ourselves, our children,
and coming generations to prepare for these changes."