JACKSONVILLE -- August 6, 2002 --
The Jacksonville State University/Community Orchestra is pleased to announce its 2002-03 concert season.
The season will include concerts in November, December, March and May. Composers being performed during the
season include Mendelssohn, Vivaldi, and Haydn, plus an all-Mozart concert in the spring.
Membership is open through audition to all members of the surrounding communities, including Jacksonville, Anniston and
Gadsden. The JSUCO is currently seeking the following instrumentation:
All string instruments (violin, viola, cello and bass)
- Flute
- Oboe
- Clarinet
- Bassoon
- French Horn
- Trumpet
- Timpani
If you are interested in becoming a member of theJSUCO, please contact Music Director Michael R. Gagliardo at (256)
543-2787 or mikegagliardo@cultralarts.org for information regarding auditions.