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Jacksonville, Alabama

JSU�s Distance Learning Program Featured in Academic Journal

Abby Knight
JSU News Bureau

JACKSONVILLE -- July 30, 2002 -- Jacksonville State University's College of Education and Professional Studies is featured in the summer 2002 edition of Education, the oldest education journal in the United States.

Dr. Jan Wilson, associate professor of secondary education, was guest editor of the publication. Her editorial focuses on the power of distance learning.

When �implemented correctly,� Wilson writes, "[distance learning] has the ability to build on the unique, dynamic characteristics of digital content to create productive, creative and interesting learning environments.�

The editorial is followed up with an article titled �Distant Learning for the Development of High-Level Cognitive Skills,� written by Wilson, JSU Assistant Professor Dr. Charles Notar, and Dr. Karol Ross from the US Army Research Lab in Fort Sill, Oklahoma. The article outlines 13 design factors that can create an effective distance learning program.

Several other members of the JSU faculty and staff contributed to the journal, highlighting the progress and success of JSU�s distance learning program.

Dr. Notar and Dr. Wilson, along with JSU Education Resources Department Head Dr. Kathleen Friery and JSU Instructional Media Specialist Sherri L. Restauri, co-authored an article in the journal entitled �Going the Distance: Active Learning,� which discusses techniques and methods that maximize achievement and student development in distance learning.

Dr. Sheila Webb, dean and professor of education and professional Studies at JSU, wrote the article titled �Programmatic Growth in Distance Learning,� also featured in the journal. It discusses the planning involved in developing an effective distance learning environment.

Dr. Lawrence Beard and Dr. Cynthia Harper reported on a study, �Student Perceptions of online versus on campus instruction.� The study compared student attitudes towards distance learning.

Director of Distance Learning Dr. Franklin King, along with associate professor Dr. J. Gordon Nelson and Sherri Restauri, wrote about the process of developing a distance learning program in �Reaching the Distant Learner: The Evolutionary Process.�

The first issue of Education was published in 1880. The publication is distributed to every major college and university in the United States, Canada and Australia.


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