JACKSONVILLE -- July 30, 2002 -- Three candidates for the position Vice President for Institutional Advancement will meet the
university community during public presentations in August. Everyone is invited to attend the
question and answer sessions, which will be held from 2:45 to 3:30 p.m. in 101 Merrill Building.
They are scheduled on the following dates:
John Mark Hutchins on Thursday, August 1. Hutchins is Vice President for Institutional
Advancement at Wood College in Mathiston, Mississippi.
- J. Scott Huffman on Monday, August 5. Huffman is Associate Vice President for Development
and Alumni Services and foundation Executive Director at State University of West Georgia in
Carrollton, Georgia.
- Joseph Serviss on Tuesday, August 20. Serviss is Jacksonville State University's Director of
Institutional Development and Executive Director of the JSU Foundation.