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Jacksonville, Alabama

JSU Receives "A" on State Report Card

JACKSONVILLE -- November 6, 2001 -- The State Department of Education (SDE) has announced the results of the 2001 Professional Education Personnel Evaluation Teacher System (PEPE). JSU has 100% pass rate in all data categories and has received an �A� on the state report card.

PEPE is an evaluation instrument administered to our graduates in their years as beginning teachers. The SDE holds universities accountable for the performance of their graduates in the work force. SDE gives three ratings: Clear, Caution and Alert. To achieve a clear status, 90% of the beginning teachers from an institution must pass PEPE. Ratings are given to data categories with a cluster of ten or more graduates from an institution.

This year, seven programs qualified as data categories (Official Status). Each of the seven received a Clear status, yielding the rating of �A� for JSU. The programs are: Biology (90%); Collaborative Teacher (100%); Early Childhood Education (100%); Elementary Education (100%); English (100%); Mathematics (100%); Mathematics (92%); Physical Education (100%).

Several other programs in the Unofficial Status category--less than ten in the data pool, have a Clear rating to date. These categories will accumulate ten or more graduates and become Official Status next year. These programs are listed with the number of teachers counted and the percentage of passage for that number: English Language Arts - 4 (100%); Family & Consumer Science - 4 (100%); General Studies - 9 (100%); Health Education - 1 (100%); History - 6 (100%); Instrumental Music - 3 (100%); Language Arts - 1 (100%); Social Science - 8 (100%); Spanish - 1 (100%).

Two programs in the Unofficial Status category are on Alert, but will not accumulate any more graduates since neither program has been offered at JSU for two years. These programs are Emotional Conflict - 3 (85.7%) and Mentally Retarded - 4 (75%). The Collaborative Teacher has replaced these old special education programs. Vocal/Choral Music in the Unofficial Status will accumulate graduates. Currently, it only has two in its data pool and a 50% rating.


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