JACKSONVILLE -- October 11, 2001 --
Visiting Scholar Donald Beecher will be delivering four lectures on the JSU campus during October. Donald Beecher is Professor of Medieval and Renaissance English
Literature at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. Beecher is among the
world's authorities on medieval medicine, the founder of Dovehouse
Editions, Inc., and an accomplished professional musician who has
made recordings of early music. He plays the viola da gamba and,
through Dovehouse Editions, has produced modern editions of early music
that would otherwise have remained buried in libraries.
Beecher's lectures at
JSU will be wide ranging, of interest to anyone who studies literature,
psychology, geography or biology. A list of the lectures, including the
dates and times, is given below; all are open to
the public and free of charge. Students are encouraged to attend. He
is an engaging speaker, and all the lectures are accessible.
- The Amazing Story of the Supplementum Chronicorum: Did Shakespeare
Own this Book?
Tuesday, October 16th at 7:00 p.m.
Houston Cole Library
Eleventh Floor
This especially accessible lecture is a literary detective story. In
France, Professor Beecher discovered a particular copy of the
Supplementum Chronicorum, an old history of the world, which he believes
was in the possession of William Shakespeare. His argument will be
published simultaneously in Canada (English Studies of Canada)
and in France (Cahiers Elisabethains).
- The Adventures of the Baron de Lahontan: The Discovery of the Noble
Savage and the Making of a Satirist
Thursday, October 18th at 7:00 p.m.
Houston Cole Library
Eleventh Floor
Those who teach geography should take a special interest in this
lecture. The Baron de Lahontan was the great traveller, Louis Armand
(1666-1715). His travels took him through Canada, Wisconsin, Minnesota,
and the upper Mississippi valley. His travel chronicle, enormously
popular in Europe, gave an amusing, rather inventive geography of his
travels which distorted most of the important maps of the 18th century.
- Ficino, Theriaca and the Stars
Wednesday, October 24th at 3:00 p.m.
Room 234 Stone Center
Sponsored by the English Department Lecture Series
Those in the biological sciences might be interested in this lecture,
the subject of which is medieval medicine.
- Mankynde and the Iconography of Spiritual Thinking
Thursday, October 25 at 3:00 p.m.
Theron Montgomery Building Auditorium
Sponsored by the JSU Honors Program
Mankynde is a medieval play, but JSU's Psychology Department might take
an interest in this lecture as well. Professor Beecher's current area
of interest is cognitive science, which will most probably be a part of
this lecture.
There will be a reception for Donald Beecher at
the Alumni House on Thursday, October 18th, from 3:00 p.m. - 5:00
p.m. All faculty members are invited to attend.